Saturday, March 7, 2015

Surprise Delivery ~ Just for Me

The birds are singing this morning.  What a nice thing to wake up too.  It sounds so peaceful out there.  It's a good day to let the ladies out and clean the coop too.  They will be so happy to be out and about today.  My 15 year-old opened the door and smiled, "it sounds like spring out there."  

Yesterday, I was just finishing up my lunch, when a van pulled in.  My Hubby surprised me with red roses.  


I just wanted to cry, as I have not seen him for a week now (he's working in another state right now).  They smell wonderful too.  Man oh man, I can't wait to see him.  That was definitely a shocker moment.

Five Minutes for Me ~ I have been slacking in the "me" department, but what can you do right?  Over the years I have collected a few crochet patterns for a slouchy hat.  I've wanted to make one for a long time.  

Then one of my daughter's picked up my books at the library and this was one of them- Crochet Boutique Hats, by Rachael Oglesby

I was flipping through it, thinking I might as well send it back, as I am not going to have time to even think about it.

Then I did think about it.

And I dug through my yarn stash and made one for myself.

I learned the pineapple stitch in the process.  This stitch requires nine loops on the hook.  It took me a while to get the hang of it.  You can't have it too tight, or you can't pull through the first eight very well.  

About the hat on me. After the older two got home, they poo-poo'd it.  They kept looking at me and saying there was something just "not right" about it.   Finally, after an hour of wearing it, they said it was the color.

I dug out an off-white (natural cream colored) yarn to make myself yet another.  I just have to sew in the two ends.

If I get even more time (before gardening season), I may make one from bright orange yarn (which I sadly have).  I figure, while I'm out shoveling out my mailbox along the country highway, it would do me some good to have a bit of color on me.  

Oh, and I gave the turquoise one to Youngest.  She was so happy, she took several "selfies" and posted them on snapchat.  About a second later, her next older sister came running down the stairs, wide eyed with excitement.  "I want one Mom!!"

So what else am I working on?

I finished another goat coat, but ran out of velcro.  We really need another coat, so I may spring for that cost, on a trip to town for toilet paper.  I thought we had enough toilet paper, but I keep forgetting how big our family is.

Aside from the baby blanket (which I'm not in a hurry to finish), I have another hand towel in the making, and another rug.

I have a lot of yarn in these colors, so I'm not sure how well it will look.  The girls said it was perfect for spring (Easter time), but I'm still not sure.  We'll see when it's finished.


  1. Busy hands, happy heart. It also makes the time fly!

    P.S. I think your husband misses you as much as you miss him! How thoughtful of him to send the flowers.

  2. I never looked good in the slouchy hats either....well, in any hat actually. Oh well. Glad you got your "5 minutes in" finally. And I agree with the girls, the rug looks VERY Spring like :)

  3. How wonderful Kristina, the roses are beautiful and I myself would have weeped in emotion! I'm lucky my bf does things like that, he surprises me often, those things last in our memories don't they? I'm in awe of your skills...I have a tough time with crocheting, those hats are really cute.

  4. Mama Pea, he called and told me the guys are eating at an organic pizza place tonight. He said he won't ask what we are making for dinner, because he misses the food, ha ha!

  5. Carolyn, I do like the cream color, but the girls told me it does not look good with my hair in a bun. Kids!

  6. Rain, I do like to crochet, but my knitting skills need tuned up a bit.

  7. The hats are fantastic!!!! You are a talent friend! And I am so glad you were showered with roses! They are beautiful!!!! Here is to the birds singing spring!!! Nicole xo

  8. Thanks Nicole, today I am finishing up a third one for another kiddo.

  9. Congrats on the flowers. They're so beautiful.

    The hats are beautiful, and I bet you could sell those too. Having talents like that is good for when times get tough or for when one add a bit to family finances.

    God bless.


  10. Thanks RB, the kids said I should sell the hats too.

  11. I've read back a week!
    My we live so far apart...but our lives seem to run in the same circles! :)
    I love your hat! I liked both colors. You have plenty of people to create things for, your daughters, your mom, and your hubby!
    I bet he does miss you, I didn't realize he is working out of state. I guess any work is good work.
    Sorry to hear about your daughters health, appendix-- glad she is ok and surrounded by good 'helpful' friends.
    That has to make you feel a little bit better.
    Your soup looks delicious and all your dehydrated veggies... potatoes, celery, etc.
    I need to unpack my dehydrator and get some going.
    I also hang the laundry with snow on the ground... I have a wet soggy mess out side today-- but there is a the blue jeans our out there-- hopefully blowing in the wind!

  12. Patricia, we are having wonderful drying weather, but I do have to wear muck boots out to get it all down in the afternoon. Hopefully the wind will help dry stuff up soon.


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