Thursday, March 19, 2015

Repairs ~ Travel Journals

The ladder project(s) are put off for a few days.  It's too cold anyway, but Hubby had to take the truck in for a look-see.  Let's just say he was sweating it out while waiting for the phone call. 

The damage?

The entire front end.  Everything.

The good part is, that it will be in tip-top shape for him after this.  We use it to haul the camper, not to mention wood, hay and straw, and large building supplies. I'm so glad we did not haul hay in it this week yet.

The other good news?

The strike may end soon.  There is a meeting Monday, and a tentative agreement has been made.  This means Hubby could be back to full-time work very soon. 

About the travel journals....

It's good to know that I'm not the only one with a "vacation" journal.  Although lately, my own travel journal is in limbo, I get the joy of reading someone else's - Mom's.

I may have written this back in the day, but I still have a personal journal from a childhood road trip to Florida, and I still have the mechanical pencil Dad and Mom bought me.  I didn't write a lot, but it was fun to go back and read it.

I'm spending my colder nights reading Mom's journals.  I get to re-live childhood trips, and so far, I am very much enjoying it.  I'm so glad she did not put them in the trash.  These are those golden gems that get passed down, and not forgotten.  

I loudly told Hubby I have been to more states than I remember (or could remember from such a young age).  He said the competition is on, ha ha!  He also said, if you can't remember it, it doesn't count, ha ha!

Oh, the things I read so far.  Me?  Slap happy in the Lake and not wanting to hold onto Mom, so she put me in a harness?  Oh my.  I read about my older brother's first fishing lesson/trip too.  And as a kid we did some trips in a pop up camper.  Some trips were motels.  Can you imagine paying $7.40 for a motel? Or filling up the gas for $4.45!?  I can't wait to read the rest.

Hubby is getting his requested chicken teriyaki.  I made a jar of homemade teriyaki sauce yesterday.

Peanut's (lamancha female goat) due date is next Tuesday.  I keep checking on her.  I'm glad Hubby is around this time.


  1. Vehicles! Arrrgh. So necessary but such a pain when they need major work done on them. We're in the same position now, too. Arrrgh.

    If only we all had kept journals at certain parts of our lives. Just yesterday a friend was telling us about her recent discovery of letters written between her (no longer living) mother and father when he was in World War II. She said she's learning things about her folks she never knew. What a gift!

    Yippee-skippee re the strike being over soon!

  2. Mama Pea, I'm learning a lot from the journals, and more importantly paying more attention to detail when I write in my own. Hopefully my kids, and grandkids will enjoy them. We are super excited to see an end coming to the strike.

  3. This is so interesting. I just came across a story written by a distant relative on my mom's side, entitled "Wilderness Adventure". It is a great read! I think our older relatives were much better at writing things down, since they didn't have all our distractions. Congrats on the end of the strike! I can feel your pain with the vehicle repairs...

  4. Susan, Mom even wrote down everything she packed for each of us, and what they spent on meals, and even ice cream. So fun to read.

  5. Those journals are priceless...
    I can definitely see where you get your journaling habits!
    I remember things like this-- especially the pop up camper stories.
    Going to the lake--
    which turned out to be the very lake that is nearby where we live now.
    Hated swimming in the lake!

    Hope the truck gets all its needed repairs and is in good working order by the time-- hubby returns to work and camping season is up and at'em!

  6. Patricia, I have two more larger ones to read yet. I hope the truck is up and running soon too. We need hay restocked and babies are due in a few days.

  7. Wow! Those repairs to the truck sound expensive, although at least now the truck will be safer. Prayers everything turns even better and less expensive than expected.

    I don't remember traveling much as a child, other than to our Great-grandparents house or hunting camp down in the PA woods, and even then, rarely.
    Since growing up, if I travel, it's mostly to go home to NW PA to visit relatives. In truth, I'm a home-body, and now that we live in the country, I'm happy as a lark being around the house and property for days and days on end.

    God bless.


  8. RB, with the amount of work that needed done, he wanted to have professionals do it, although we have a friend who could have helped. I'm afraid to see the costs on this yet.


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