Tuesday, March 10, 2015

PB and J and a Porch

I wasn't kidding when I said the porch was calling.  It just wasn't the front porch this time.  I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and had lunch on the back porch - best 15 minutes of my day!  I had one small patch of patio that was not snow covered.  Even so, I would have put that chair and table right on the snow, if I had to.  It was 40°F and the sun felt so good.  It was peacefully quiet, and the birds were singing.

Warning:  It's a grab-a-cup-of-coffee kind of post. 
I know I mentioned our "no spend" week, so I'll try to update on that next post (nothing really that interesting anyway).

I put together a box of "happy" for Son, and it's on it's way now.  I put in his favorite (one of them) homemade strawberry jam.

 It was tea-infusing day too.

More vanilla extract in the making....

Decided to put the celery in storage this week too.  I dehydrated the leaves (organic) before they went bad.

I dehydrated some of the celery as well as....

....froze some for spring soups/stews etc. 

 And because I did not blanch these, I was sure to date the bag to use in three months.  I have plans to buy up organic celery when it's on sale, and saute some before freezing.  I heard it works well that way.  It would make my winter soup recipes a cinch.  That, and of course I won't need to go shopping in the dead of winter.

Although it's warming up here, we still have snow on the ground.
 And in some areas, it's a mush mess.  I still prefer this over a sheet of ice.

This picture makes me laugh.  She was looking up at me with curiosity, probably wondering if I have a treat for her.

I have to break my habit of putting eggs in my pocket.  I picked up one when I cleaned the coop, came inside and put my jacket away, and left it in my pocket.  Later in the evening, I remember, and thankfully it was not smooshed.  Whew!

I was looking over our chick order form, and saw they have several varieties of ducks.  I mentioned them to Hubby and he quickly said no.  He'd prefer not to have any more poo all over the property.  I agree.  For now anyway. 

I'm narrowing down our seed order.    I was able to order shell peas.  I'm thinking twice on grapes, although Hubby said "yes."  I been listening to the news and how farmer's have lost grapes due to the frigid temperatures we've gotten over winter.  I don't know.  I'm still thinking on it.

Here is the pillow I crocheted for Mom.  I had a pillow form in my crafting stash, and I simply used scrap yarn from three different projects (one being her Christmas blanket).  My rotation worked out nicely, so I hope it matched her chair nicely.

Another daughter got a slouchy hat.  

And that's not all.

I dug out one of my porch signs that can't stay outside over winter.  It's had it's better days.  I'm using decoupage to fix it up, and bring life to the front porch soon.  I already put the spring flower wreath up on the door.

If you got this far, Oldest Daughter's surgery went well.  Her reliable sources delivered her home safely during the wee hours of the night.  She's sleeping and resting now.  Nothing like traveling right after surgery.  Her local friends have already offered to go fetch her car.  Those are some seriously nice friends.  There is much to be thankful for in this case.


  1. You have a way of writing a post that makes me feel I'm "right there!" I had to laugh at your porch time spent nearly in a snowbank! But know exactly why you did it. We've actually had temps reaching up toward 40 and if we hadn't been having a busy weekend that extended right into yesterday, I would have done that on our deck which faces south. Maybe today?

  2. Mama Pea, glad I could give you a laugh. The kids laughed too, but it was so nice to be out there. I'm glad I did it. Today it's cloud covered (sadly). Do enjoy a day on your deck. You won't regret it.

  3. A porch isn't wasted on you, is it? Regardless of snow :)
    And honestly, now I'm craving a PB&J sandwich so as soon as I'm done reading my blogs I'm going to have to make some bread for sandwiches this afternoon.
    Glad your daughter is doing well, and glad she has such good friends.

  4. So glad that her surgery went well and that she had friends to lean on after the surgery. That photo of your clothesline is awesome! As are all of your makings lady! Here is to spring!! Nicole xo

  5. I also spent some time out on the deck this weekend and I hung out a load of rugs on the line. Spring is coming, I can smell it. Glad daughters surgery went well and I know how hard that must have been for you to not be able to be there. ((((hugs))))

  6. Carolyn, now you have me craving homemade bread, ha ha!

  7. Thanks Nicole, I was super excited to get all the towels washed and dried in one day.

  8. Kim, I need to wash my rugs too. Daughter is already having visitors check in on her.

  9. Glad to read the daughters surgery went well. Praying she has a speedy recovery! I bet it felt good just to sit on the porch and watch the clothes dry! As much as I love spring it sure can be a muddy mess!

  10. It always amazes me to see other people's chickens out in the snow... mine just will not venture out until either a) I scatter old hay around for them to walk on, or b) the snow melts around the coop.
    I've done the old egg in the pocket thing a time or too; usually they get smashed when putting wood in the stove or hefting a hay bale... and what a mess that makes. So glad you are getting some spring, and that your girl is on the mend.

  11. Thanks Liz, it felt so good to get outside and sit and enjoy it, after a long cold winter.

  12. Debby, there is a small area by the barn that is melted, so they stayed there most of the time. One ventured to a point she was stuck behind a snow drift. I had to pick her up, ha ha!

  13. The sun looks so warm and cozy and chair inviting to sit and soak it in. Sweet pillow for your mom too! Nice to hear your son and daughter are okay and being Well cared for :)

  14. GratefulPrayer, the sun felt soooo good that day.


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