Monday, February 23, 2015


I am really enjoying the new way I have organized my sunglasses (and a pair of safety glasses, which was not on this when I photographed it):

I have this on the wall right by a door I use the most.  It's worked wonderfully.  Especially, when the post lady drove up to the door and honked, when she had a box to deliver.  The sun was shining brightly and I grabbed a pair and and headed out the door to get the package.  

I'll be putting one of these at all the doors, so I have a handy pair no matter what door I go out.  Also, the one I made to hold bobby pins is working out just as well.

I'm still working away on the scrap rug.  It has many more ends to sew in, so it will take a bit longer to finish than the last rug I made.

My family can truly give "Monday" a true meaning of the word - two missed the bus, Hubby left me a car on empty, and the wood stove was stone cold.  It can only get better from here. Maybe there is a poem in my head, just waiting to pop out when I visit the barn today.  Just maybe.


  1. Great idea on the sunglasses holder!
    Don't worry, Monday is just beginning & it can't ALL be that bad :)

  2. You are right Carolyn. Breakfast was delicious - black bean and egg burrito. At least I got that part right.

  3. The only good thing I can think of to say about Mondays is that there is only one a week. I make up songs on my way to and from chores. It helps me ignore the below-zero temperatures...

  4. Susan, ha ha! I didn't come up with a poem today, because I was focused on trying not to fall while splashing the water from buckets. Ha!

  5. What a great idea for the sunglasses! I try to keep mine in a little bucket by the back door. I hate those kind of Mondays!

  6. Liz, I love the holder I made. There are no shelves, or an area to put them at the doors, so the wall was perfect.

  7. I need to make that sunglasses holder as I have several pair and I put them in a bowl by the door with my keys...not a good idea...they get scratched!

  8. Sam I am, I really do like it. It's so handy and keeps me organized.

  9. What a GREAT idea!!!
    I bet these could be made in different material colors and patterns to be sold at craft sales and flea markets too.
    You truly are a talented woman.
    God bless.

  10. Thanks RB, Hubby said I should make a few to sell at an area nearby.


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