Monday, February 2, 2015

Snow Day ~ Tidbits

The "snow fairy" came and plowed us out last night, but it's still snowing this morning.  The weather forecast expected about 13 inches of snow, but we are to get another inch today.  The wind (and wind chill) will be the worst to deal with today.  As you can see, the fields are flat, and the snow drifts at our place.  

We have been monitoring the weather, and the last two storms blew in from the northeast.  We will be prepared next winter with a second and third snow fence, to deter that drifting over the driveway.

I'll be shoveling out my mailbox today, but those snow plows keep me busy on that job.  It will be another grand adventure getting to the barn too.  I may have to dig a few tunnels to get there, ha ha!

We are currently under a "level 2" snow emergency.  Hubby's city he works in, is under a "level 3" which means no one is to be driving unless it's absolutely necessary (and people can be ticketed).  I did call to make she he arrived safely.  He said the roads were cleaned off pretty well. 

The girls and I will be keeping busy today with housework.  Bathrooms need cleaned, dishes need washed, floors need swept (and mopped), and so forth.  After that we can enjoy the "snow day."

This is the type of day I wished I had a copy of the movie "snow day" to watch with the kids. I'll have to check netflix and see if they have it.

Last night, we made homemade "chicken bites" using a recipe that was shared by Kim over at Fiber and Flea Village (Crunchy Oven Fried Chicken).  Hubby doesn't like wings, so I sliced up boneless chicken into bite size pieces, and followed the recipe.  The only changes I will make the next time, are to reduce the salt, double the almond flour coating (we had enough for the first coating, and did not have any to re-coat the chicken pieces), and I baked the pieces at 450° for 10 minutes.  I used my pampered chef bar pans, and they tasted wonderful.  One coating was not enough, so that is why I'll double it next time.  The kids loved the flavor, and I also added hot sauce to the egg dip mixture.  Delicious.  Thanks Kim!

Thank you all for your comforting comments regarding the passing of Sadie and Mattie.  We appreciate it.  


  1. Looks like the treadmill will not be needed today! All that snow removal will count big time for exercise today. I am glad you used the recipe. I should have made a note that I do not even add any salt and I make hot wings from them so I don't want a lot of batter. Thanks

  2. Hey, no fair! You got our snow! No, we actually weren't forecast to get any . . . seems there must have been a band of it that went way south of us across Iowa and into Indiana. Do you have a plow on a truck to clear your private driveway? If not, that's a lot of shoveling you'll have to do. :o( Hubby and I lived out in the country of the flat lands of Illinois for several years and know strategic placing of snow fencing really helps. Hope you can figure out where to place yours next year. Stay warm and safe.

  3. Kim, I am glad you shared the recipe. Everyone liked it. Yep...lots of exercise today.

  4. Mama Pea, we do not have a plow, but Hubby has a blower that can be attached to the wheel horse. However, yesterday the coil went bad, so we have to order the part. Hubby's nephew comes out and plows us out.

  5. Sorry, but all that snow I do not miss down here in Harnett County, NC.
    Was snowbound often during the first 21 years of my life growing up in Erie County, PA up on the lake, and that was enough of that.
    Wondering if others lose power during snow storms. We often do and because our heat is electric, it can get dangerous pretty fast.
    God bless.

  6. RB, you are right about power outages during winter. I'm glad we burn wood for heat right now.

  7. I wish we had some kind of backup heat, but I'm allergic to smoke and I won't have gas in the house. (long story-childhood accident)
    God bless.

  8. RB, I wanted to buy a propane heater that ran for emergencies, but thought against it. We had a fire that started from a propane leak on our water heater a year or so ago. It was scary for sure.

  9. I don't blame you. When we first moved from the city (where we had natural gas and a pilot light) to the country (where we had propane and had to use a match), our mother lit the oven to make something, went back to check a few minutes later, and the oven burner hadn't lit, so she opened the broiler door, stuck a match in to relight it, and a HUGE flame burst out of the broiler section and literally enveloped the top half of her body. Course it blew out in seconds, but singed her hair, face and arm, and for the rest of her life, she didn't have eyebrows. I'll never forget her voice saying deeply but rather calmly, "Call your Grandmother." We were all terrified, and though I worked for a propane company for 3 years, I'd never have it in the house.
    God bless.

  10. I miss the snow now that I don't have to go out in it if I don't want to.


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