Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Snow arrives...

I took this photo Monday morning.  Winter has officially arrived - rain, freezing rain, snow and bitter temperatures (but not as bad yet as last winter).  

Yesterday, although a bit cold, the sun was shining and there was a pretty good wind out there.

Larger towels were dried in front of the wood stove.

I've sort of been hibernating and ever so slowly finishing up some crochet and knitting ventures.  

I took this crochet project camping in August of 2014.  I found it in a bag in my closet while cleaning. . . .

It's now finished.  

My goal is to finish all but the baby blanket and then start on handiwork gifts for next Christmas.  

Way back in the day, when I got very sick with bronchitis, I started a baby blanket for an extended family member expecting a girl.  I had to switch gears and crochet an easier one, and thus the granny square blanket sat in the closet.  It is very nice, so I do plan to finish it.  Who knows, maybe my brother will have another baby, or I can always keep it for my own kids.  That one may take all year, so you may not see it too soon.

I still have a few more endeavors.

I spent some time in the kitchen mixing up another batch of elixir, baking and cooking healthy meals.  

The newest recipe to try was a sweet potato hash from food network (Neeley's).  I had to more than double it for us, but there was not one drop leftover.  I forgot to get a photo, but it was delicious and we'll be making it again.

The other morning, I made a potato hash and mixed in leftover chicken, and flavored it with jalapeno (previously frozen from the garden) and other herbs.  I topped it with a cooked egg...delicious.  

I also tried a new millet stew (there are many versions of this online) recipe.  I used the basic recipe with celery, carrots, potatoes, onion, mushrooms, basil, thyme and bay leaves.  I also chopped some kale and added that too.

I opened our first canned jar of potatoes for this stew.  I rinsed them first, and they looked perfect.

My home canned barbecue sauce came in handy too.  I simply added some leftover chicken (that we raised and roasted) to the crock pot on low, and poured in some of my home canned barbecue sauce.  They ate it on bread, for a chicken sandwich.  It was a nice way to change up the chicken and not let it go to waste.

The kids started school yesterday, but the day was canceled due to snow and bad weather. This morning they have a two hour delay, as it is -13°F wind chill out there right now.

I made three trips to the library in the last few days.   I'm already flipping through to research essential oils and so forth.  I also found the library book that contained the crochet pattern I needed. 


  1. Our weather has turned quite cood as well. But juat a dusting of snow so far.

  2. Kim, two of the dogs are having a terrible time walking in the snow, and I don't remember them being so sensitive last winter (when it was 20-something below). We may have to get them dog booties for very cold days.


  3. Knitting and spinning have been my go to projects to help keep away the winter blahs!
    stay warm!!

  4. Sandra, knitting and spinning sound fun!

  5. Our schools were closed today because of -35 degree wind chill. I spent the day taking down the Christmas decorations (finally) and replacing them with my winter ones. The tree was a pain and a half to get out because the needles were falling everywhere. I know I'll be sweeping and vacuuming them up for months! Still no more snow for us here either. Bummer.

  6. Mama Pea, that is very cold. Brrr. According to the weather we might get snow in a day or so. It's pretty cold here again today.


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