Friday, January 30, 2015


January 30, 2015 (today) was the last day we had with Sadie Lou.  She was a wonderful dog, and will be greatly missed.  Click on "read more" for photos.  She was a part of our family in so many ways.  She was the "mother" to all.  She was the protector to Oldest Daughter.  She was greatly loved.

January 20, 2015

January 24, 2014

January 23, 2013

January 21, 2012

January 16, 2011

March 21, 2010

 February 28, 2009

July 4, 2008

December 16, 2007 

February 27, 2006

Oldest Daughter is having the most difficult time today.  Please keep her in your prayers.


  1. I will be remembering your daughter. May god wrap his love around her and comfort her.

    I am so sorry to hear that this time has come. It is always a sad time but one where we need to remember the times that they were enjoying all that they loved. Sadie was happy because of all of you allowing her to share your life. She smiled with each pat on the head and "good girl" that she was given. And she praise was what she lived for, and what you each gave so freely. And she in return gave licks and nudges and love in her own special way.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss, what a dear sweet dog, she clearly was a happy, much loved member of your family. The photos bring back memories for me of my family's pets, past and present. You all, especially your daughter will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. So sorry for your loss. I was afraid for you, when I read about the pale gums. Our older dog had that and had cancer in her spleen. Common sadly. You can know you gave her a great home...

  4. Sending my hugs and healing thoughts to all of you. Your daughter (and all of you) gave Sadie such a good, good life. And, of course, she gave so much right back to you. I'm very glad your daughter was able to be home to help Sadie on her way to another wonderful life. It's so hard losing a pet who is truly part of the family.

  5. Sending healing thoughts to your daughter.

  6. Thank you all! Yesterday was a very quiet, sad, and difficult day. I'm sure our oldest daughter will have a few weeks or mourning.

  7. RIP Sadie. And hugs to you all.
    Lovely set of pictures, what a beautiful dog Sadie was.

  8. Awww, I am so sorry. My heart aches with yours.
    The best thing we can do when we lose someone dear to us is shift all of our focus to the good times we had with them. I pray you and your family are soon able to do that.

    God bless.


  9. So sorry to hear about Sadie, I know how hard it is....and it never gets easier. They are definitely angels in our lives.

  10. I don't know how I missed this post, but I am so sorry I did. It wasn't until I read you latest one that I realized Sadie had died. I am so sorry for your daughter and all of you. Even knowing that you have given her a lifetime of love, cared for her, did your best, it still leaves such a big, achy hole in your heart. Love to you all.


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