Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today - 1/12/2015.

The weather outside is. . .

On the breakfast plate this morning . . .

I kind of made this up as I went.  I'm out of bacon, so I simply made it with baby kale and beets - breakfast quiche.  I opened a jar of home canned (spiced) beets for this breakfast.  The ingredients I used:  onion, garlic, chopped baby kale, fresh eggs, Greek yogurt, beets (canned spiced beets from this past garden season), and salt and pepper.  It was actually pretty good.  I saved some for Hubby.

As I look outside my window . . . 
~ I see the girls shoveling.  Two helped me for three hours, and I came in and traded with another daughter.  

Right now I am . . .
~ eating a warm bowl of steel cut oats and fruit, posting this, and about to bring in more wood

As I look around the house . . .
~ it needs a good cleaning to tidy it up a bit

On today's to do list . . .
 (in no particular order)
water plants
barn duties
clean up desk area
all floors need swept/vacuumed
mop kitchen
empty wood stove ash pan
shovel snow

*Personal, need to do list. . .
1. exercise(already did it shoveling)
2. write
3. devotional

Currently reading . . .
 ~ many essential oil books from the library

On the TV today . . .
~ food network

On the menu this week . . .
Honestly?  I have no menu plan - simply pull what I have out storage and create.

Breakfast ideas:  spinach/tomato omelets, steel cut oats, oatmeal, veggie hash with eggs

Lunch ideas:  soups and sandwiches, fruit

Dinner ideas:  Pumpkin and Sage Macaroni, Chicken Spaghetti, sauteed swiss chard

I'll have to go check the pantry and freezer.

 I am creating at the moment . . .
~ today I hope to finish a knitted dishcloth

New recipe I tried or want to try this week . . .
 ~custard cake

Favorite photo from the camera . . .

Tiger was so toasty at the wood stove hearth, I didn't have the heart to move him in order to sweep up the wood chips on the carpet.

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals. . .

1 Corinthians 10:31(NIV)

31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.


  1. I love any kind of quiche! Have a great week.

  2. Pamela, I love beets and this was the first time to try it in a quiche. Delicious!

  3. I would never have thought of putting beets in a quiche. Great idea . . . but I think I'd use plain sliced ones I have in the freezer. But then again maybe I could use a little more "spice" in my life and should use some of the 433 jars of pickled beets some crazy person around here made.

  4. Mama Pea, Ha ha ha! That's all I have - pickled spiced beets. I guess in my excitement of canning I forgot to freeze any.


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