Saturday, January 24, 2015


I woke up to an orange furry feline, sitting on my stomach, nose to nose with me, and every so gently pressing one paw up on me over and over again.

"Wake up sleepy head," he was silently saying.
His eyes were begging me to get up and feed him, as his master is away at a (gulp) sleepover.  No one is on agreement with me regarding sleepovers this winter, so if this one comes home sick, then my opinion is getting enforced.
Well, it's been a long time since I did a gratitude posting.  Oddly, I am thankful for being in bed for two days, because I finished one book before the month was even over. 

I have one book left in my personal stash.

I'm just waiting for more books to come in from the library by Hemingway.  In the meantime, I have more half-way finished pieces of handiwork to complete.  January is almost over, so I must get back to those, so I can start the "new" project list.

~Today I am thankful for~

Having the ingredients on hand for making elixir.
Having the ingredients on hand for making ginger-ale.
Fun snail mail.
Older kids that can drive and get errands done for me.
Herbal teas.
My cell phone, so I can keep in touch with Son.
My canned applesauce.  It seems small, but it came in handy when we could not eat much.
God's Protection and Guidance.
Another day with Sadie.


  1. Your gratitude posts are beautiful, Kristina.

  2. It is so easy to be grateful if we just slow down to see. I am glad you are feeling better.

  3. Thanks Kim. I am impressed how fast I got through this illness. I am thankful for those teas and gargling with salt water got rid of my cough. I actually cooked dinner tonight (crockpot) - white bean and greens soup.

  4. I'd be more worried about guns and creepy "uncles" at sleepovers than catching a bug! I'm SO glad I'm not a parent right now...I'm bad enough about the grand chidren! LOL!
    So glad you are all feeling better!
    How did you get those check marks on your books? I see people do arrows and stuff but I haven't see a photo editor that does that yet.

  5. Sam I am, I used the font "wingdings 2" and the keyboard key "P" If you google a wingding font chart online, it gives you all the symbols they make.

  6. Funny how animals gravitate to another when their "preferred" pet parent is away. With the cats, I've always thought they look for the "other person" that looks smart enough to run a can opener, while the dog looks for anyone, anyone who looks smart enough to toss a ball. LOL

    Blessed Sadie is hanging in there. Continuing in prayer for God's will for her, gently Lord, gently.

    God bless.


  7. RB, Tiger loves to hang out with me for some reason. Sadie is still with us, but is very tired today.


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