Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Re-Stocking Supply ~ Flourless Brownies (Oh My!)

We used the last "can" of homemade mushroom soup in our freezer, so I'll be spending the day mixing up more and re-stocking the supply.  

This time I will make a few cream of chicken soups as well.

Yesterday, I spent the morning in the kitchen making breakfast.  I started by cooking a shallot, red pepper, and chopped kale. Later I added one small minced garlic.

I placed leftover chopped ham in the larger quiche dish (oiled with olive oil).

Then I added the veggies to both the small (for my vegetarian daughter) dish, and then topped the ham in the larger dish.

I topped them both with eggs beat with some plain greek yogurt (I mixed 8 eggs, with 2 individual size (5.3 oz/150g) cartons of non-gmo greek yogurt).

It's funny how things work out when not even planned.  Daughter will get her protein this way too.  And I plan to play around with homemade yogurts this coming year too.

I added the extra egg on account of the small dish, but the nice part about this type of dish, is I can bake Daughter's dish in a mini-quiche dish, or in a wide-mouth half pint canning jar.

Although I was tempted to sprinkle a cheese on this dish, I did not - all experimental.

Later I mixed up a batch of homemade teriyaki sauce for dinner as well.

And I apologize in advance to Mama Pea (tee hee), I made the Flourless Brownies that Family Circle magazine had in their Valentine's day food issue.  The recipe is online too, but it appears you have to register at their site to get the entire recipe.  Our stores here did not carry organic unsweetened chocolate, but I will be calling a few health stores now to find some.  We love this brownie recipe.

I don't use non-stick spray anymore, so I used olive oil, and had a bit of trouble getting them out of the muffin tin.  We topped these (warmed of course) with ice cream then drizzled Whiskey Butterscotch sauce over it.  I think I saw a few kids (and Hubby too) licking their plates.

It was our "out with a bang" dessert for the year, but the main reason to try the sauce was to taste it (possible gifts for the next upcoming year).

Although the year is coming to and end, we are getting our routine back to normal.  Goat feed was re-stocked as well, and homemade dog food for Sadie.

After that absolutely wonderful dessert, we all need to go do a good work out now.  It was worth it though.


  1. Oh, my, gosh. I almost swooned at the thought of that dessert! I did manage to get the recipe, so I will be trying those at some point over the winter. I am looking forward to some indoor time to finish projects that have been lingering for way too long.

  2. Susan, both the brownies and sauce are delicious. I won't be making it for a while now. We just wanted to try it, and I am so glad we did. Of course good ingredients help it taste better too.

  3. Thanks for the idea for the brownie! I did find this-
    Sounds similar....

  4. I had to grin when the picture of the nearly finished off quiche came up. Nobody liked it, huh? ;o)

    Don't apologize for including the picture of the Whiskey Butterscotch Sauce over ice cream on top of the brownie. Didn't bother me a bit. But after licking the picture on my screen for a while, my tongue feels funny and the screen is a little blurry.

  5. Mama Pea, I just about spit out my coffee reading your comment - ha ha ha! So funny! I need a good laugh every day too.


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