Sunday, December 14, 2014

Handmade Christmas Ornament ~ Infused Honey Update

Although these can wait to be finished, I did get one done for photo sharing purposes.

Here's this year's next (I say next, because I'm always making more than one) newest Christmas ornament:

I'll have the basic instructions and pattern resource information up over at S.C.R.A.P. in a day or two as well.  I recycled some antique wooden spools from my mother to make them.

The ladies and Sparta have been getting an good amount of exercise this weekend.  The weather is oddly warmer.

I was feeling a bit low on energy, so I made a pitcher of organic green iced tea.  I know it's winter, but iced tea just sounded good.  The kids devoured it too.

We got a lot done yesterday, including Hubby fixing a different leaking sink.  His to-do list continues, because he decided to leave some of it for today.

We had our "Thanksgiving" with Daughter last night.  We kept it small and basic, but good and healthy too.  I found a non-gmo, non hydrogenated oil whipped cream, so we tried it on pumpkin pie.  Hubby asked, "what did it cost?" (always concerned that the better foods will break the bank).  It cost me $2.99 vs. the $1.00 or $1.29 the usual Cool Whip costs.  It tasted great too.  I plan to make my own whipped cream, but for now it's a much healthier replacement.  Imagine all the bad whipped cream that coffee houses use today. 

Now we have leftover turkey (a good thing), so I plan to make some greens and sweet potatoes for sides to add to it.  The kids are on board with the extra greens each week.  Especially our now vegetarian daughter.  I'll have to switch it up with swiss chard this week.  We've been very good with adding spinach.  Especially with breakfast.

Our oldest daughter has a bad bronchial cough.  I'm teaching her how to make mullein tea with spearmint and elderberry infused honey to treat it (vs. buying over the counter medications).  She is getting better and tells me the tea makes a difference.  I'm glad I made the infused honey.  It's been wonderful with hot teas, and supports our immune systems.  I think I will (when I have more free time) experiment with other herbs to infuse honey with.  I my opinion, it would be a nice gift idea too, for anyone that uses honey.


  1. That ornament is so fantastic!! And I hear you on the warm up....very strange if you ask me! Thank you for passing on the tea link as we need it as all of these viruses are going around! Hope everyone feels better soon! Nicole xo

  2. Darn, darn and double darn! I threw out some old wooden spools a few years ago. What was I thinking? Very cute ornament, you crafty lady!

    I've tried all different kinds of green tea (organic, of course) but can't find one I like. I've never tried it iced (and I love iced tea year 'round) so maybe I'd better give that a try.

    Our weather has been too warm also. In the upper 30s for about a week and our piddling 4" of snow is fast disappearing. They say we're going to have a brown Christmas and I'm beginning to think they're right.

    Hope your daughter is feeling back to tip-top soon.

  3. Nicole, the infused honey is wonderful for anything you normally use honey for as well as tea. Thanks for the compliment on the ornament.

  4. Mama Pea, I've had this ornament project in a box for over a year. I finally got around to getting them done. I found the patterns for the embroidery one day when I had a stack of library books checked out.


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