Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Day of Tears

Yesterday we cried a lot.  Don't worry, they were all happy tears.  Guess who is home?

Daughter and I went to the school and surprised her sisters.  After that, she drove up to surprise her Grandma (Mom thought I was delivering her some goat's milk soap, but we sent Daughter with her sisters).  Daughter also got to hold her cousin (Baby B), and that was refreshing.  He was in such a good mood and laughed and smiled.

Oh happy day.

Sadie is one happy dog.  In fact, I expected Daughter to be up at 3:45am, but she's still sleeping.  And Sadie is by her side.

My afternoon was pretty much in my slippers after all that excitement.  I made us crock pot mac n' cheese with roasted rosemary asparagus for dinner.  Daughter thinks I'll fatten her up, but she's wrong.  My meals are good, but healthy.  I will probably sneak in a dessert this week anyway. 


  1. Happy that you're daughter is back and able to spend some time with her furry friend :)

  2. Oh, happy, happy tears for sure. Sadie must be beside herself!

  3. Oh Yay! What a happy time for your family. I got tears just reading about it. Bless Sadie's little doggy heart!

  4. Ah how sweet :) it is always nice when they are home!

  5. Its always good when our kids come home from duty.

  6. Precious picture and so happy for you!

  7. So happy for you all as your celebrate your daughters arrival home! :)


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