Saturday, November 29, 2014

Our Onion Soup Mix Experiment ~ Tidbits

Why onion soup?  Because I have nothing else to write about today (yet).   

Believe it or not, I am still deep cleaning here and there (three boxes went to the thrift store), and finally got Hubby to replace the old (very old) light fixture in the kitchen.  We've had replacement for it for a long time, but have not had the time to get it up.

Back to the soup. 

Years ago, to make a delicious holiday party dip, I would simply pour a Lipton onion soup mix into a container of sour cream.  Stir and serve with chips.

This mix (above picture) was a version of one we found online.  We left out the bouillon, to taste test.  I can utilize my dehydrated onion flakes, onion powder and parsley in this recipe.This definitely did not taste as good.   However, any processed food is made to taste good.  So, our taste testing results are that it was good, but we felt it could be better.  

Note:  After all the remaining experimental recipes we did, this may very well end up our dip for the holidays (with the bouillon left out)  Or the very last one we tried as well.

Also...the ingredients of Lipton Onion Soup Mix:  


The we tried the original recipe, and included bouillon granules.  This tasted wonderful, however,  I looked at the ingredients of Wyler's Beef Granules and they include some unhealthy ingredients (many of which include soy).  A website, gave this product an "F."  I also think this had too many dried onions, but that's just my opinion.


I went in search of organic beef bouillon.  I located a brand called "Better than Bouillon" and took a look at the ingredients. gave this product a "D+."  It has a few "controversial" ingredients, but most of the ingredients are organic.

I dug a bit deeper.

(sorry for the bad photo, it was dark out and the lighting was bad for the photo)

I found another "French Onion" dip.  It requires the onions to be cooked in beef broth.  Now, this sounded interesting, as I can make my own broth or purchase organic broth.  I grow my own thyme and garlic too, so we made this next.  Next spring I can utilize homemade cream cheese and possibly homemade yogurt too.

Everyone liked this one, but it is much heavier than a sour cream dip, so you do you much less of it (a good thing I suppose).  We also think it could use a bit more yogurt in it.

Our experimenting may continue.  Until then we'll eat a lot less onion dip during the holidays.  

What's in store for today's agenda?  Well, there won't be any food experiments.  Possibly a new recipe, to use some leftovers, but it's a normal chore day here.  Laundry is already spinning away, and about ready to go on the line (I'm very late in getting it out this morning).  It's easy to sleep in when Hubby has work off, and the kids are home, but Hubby will soon be leaving.  It's the big football game today.

I'll be staying back home, and working on handmade gifts, but the crochet work is slowing me down a bit.  I had plans to make a edible gift, but that is changing now too.  

The girls plan to put lights on the Christmas tree, put the ornaments on, decorate the house, and haul all the storage totes back to the garage.  Then I can finally walk through the kitchen without squeezing between them.  

I promised the decorating crew I'd make them a pot of hot cranberry punch.  I sure hope I have orange juice.  

I'll probably go out and give the coop a good cleaning today too.  I'm sure the ladies will enjoy getting out to eat the snow.  They usually eat it off my boots every morning. 

With only two days left of the month, I will most likely squeeze in some writing today. 

Well, I've consumed a good amount of coffee, so I must get this posted and get laundry out.  The sun is shining, and the wind is pretty good (and the birds are gone finally).  Have a good Saturday.

I only had to delete 36 black friday/cyber monday emails today.  I think I need to start unsubscribing some today.


  1. You're pretty dedicated to your recipe hunt! Finding good for you food is important.
    I envy the fact you've got these spices you've grown and dried yourself. I've not been successful with anything but garlic so far...the butterflies, caterpillars, and grasshoppers seem to like herbs as much as I do!
    Sounds like you have a good day planned out... hope it's as successful as you hoped for!

  2. I think if I was trying to make homemade organic French Onion Dip, I'd start with homemade organic French Onion Soup which is easy, but cook down the beef broth into a demi-glace. I'd cook the onions VERY slow in butter, olive oil or a mixture of both with a hit of salt and pepper.
    On the side, I'd be cooking down the beef broth with 1 tablespoon of good red wine until it all reached glaze consistency (which is demi-glace, i.e. "half glaze").
    I'd deglaze the onions with about another tablespoon of good red wine and cook that out until the onion mixture is nearly dry.
    When both are ready, I'd combine them with about a teaspoonful of finely minced thyme, taste and correct the seasonings and cool it all.
    When cooled, I'd add it to room temperature 1/2 sour cream and 1/2 cream cheese, and see how that tasted. That way you could be sure what was in it all, and I bet it'd taste pretty darn good.
    Don't you think?
    God bless.

  3. RB that sounds wonderful.

    Patricia, we had more grasshoppers last year than I've ever seen.


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