Thursday, November 6, 2014

Breakfast ~ Herbal Journey ~ Jasper

We've been eating leftovers for a few days.  I cooked up a crock pot of organic black beans with onion, and those have been going fast too.  I really enjoy eating the beans with scrambled eggs, home canned zucchini salsa and a bit of cheese, all wrapped up in a whole wheat tortilla.  Youngest started doing this after school, and they really are delicious.
I was up before 6am this morning, so I made one for Hubby before he left for work. 

It's supposed to rain today and get colder, so I need to empty ashes from the stoves and bring in wood.  The wood stove ashes are dumped directly over the garden.  

Sadly, I did not get the last of the garden pulled yesterday either.  It was nice and sunny and perfect weather, but it will now have to wait a few more days.  There is not much left, so I hope to get it finished by this weekend.  The ladies and Sparta however, have a nice clean coop, and my kitchen counters (all but one area) are clean this morning.  Yay!

After reading a few herbal tea recipe books, I noticed that many of their recipes contain Oat Straw and many with the leaves from Passionflower.  I learned that the flowers on passionflower are toxic, so I'm not sure if I want to plant that here next year.   I could however plant some oats.  I had no idea they have long been used for teas and healthy resources such as that.  Did you?  Also, I did some more research. Is it true that there are no gmo oats grown today? 

As far as handiwork goes....

I'm still crocheting the cat blanket for Gracie.  I didn't get any crochet time last night so hopefully tonight I will. She's getting the "king" size version of a cat bed.  Thankfully, it's using up skeins of yarn already in my stash.

Speaking of cats, here is a cat moment to share:

"Turn off the light, I'm trying to clean myself in private!"

Jasper was doing his anxiety self cleaning when I was doing laundry.  I tried to get a photo, but his constant moving made that difficult.  He's so funny.  He has anxiety issues for some reason, so he cleans himself frantically when he is worked up.

Five Minutes for Me ~  popcorn and elderberry oxymel in club soda on the porch.  

Today's agenda?  It all depends on the weather.


  1. I've been making "wraps" using tortillas for lunch a lot lately. We've still got lettuce and other salad greens growing under two cold frames in the garden so I love to put lots of them in the wraps. Haven't tried them for breakfast yet with eggs, but yours look so good I may just do that soon!

  2. I wish I'd get an anxiety disorder that made me frantically clean my house! LOL!
    Love the wrap recipe...that sounds good. And I too order from Mountain Rose...I'll have to look into that oxymel mixture.
    Your cat blanket is gorgeous! I love that color and what stitch is that? Popcorn?

  3. Mama Pea, I do wish I had greens this time of year. I did buy some kale.


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