Wednesday, November 26, 2014

As random as it gets. . .

I have no new recipe to share, no family funny, nor exciting updates today.  It's a cold, cloud covered day here today, and you can tell the snow is on the way.

When the girls got home from school, they could hear gun shots out behind the homestead.  I did my usual walk around the property.

I found one sign ripped off the stake this time, and stapled it back on with about 15 staples.  Last year, I was out putting clothes on the line, and saw orange hats and coats in my pasture.  I walked out and asked who gave them permission and they gave me the farmer's name, not the land owner, and I told them to get off my property.  Hunters.  Deer season is a little less than two weeks away. 

Today I'm pondering over what to cook for the get together at Hubby's family this year.  He's insisting I make cheesy potatoes, but I call them "processed potatoes." 

I think today's amount of cooking will be making two "cans" of condensed mushroom soup.  If he wants potatoes, I'm making them as unprocessed as I can.  I just get tired of making the same thing every year, but he's not budging.  I may yet convince him to take a vegetable this year.  No one takes a vegetable.  I'm thinking squash and corn casserole. Now that sounds better.  Brussel sprouts, peas or barbeque green beans sound good too.  Even asparagus.  Mashed potatoes and kale sound better, or even kohrabi or beets.  It's funny how the vegetables get forgotten about, in all the hype of how much food we can shove down our throats on Thanksgiving.

Last year, two others brought potatoes too.  I think my 15 year-old will whip up some pumpkin cookies to take along.  I think I will re-think this and go through my recipe box.

Today was a morning I wished I had a coffee pot in my bedroom.  I was up an hour before I even sat down with a cup of coffee.  Dog out , dog in, cats, dog out, dog in, another cat, dog out, dog get the picture.  I just wanted to hibernate a bit, rejuvenate with some good organic coffee, and breath.

There is no wind today, so it's not a good laundry day here.  No sun either, so bedding will wait a day I think.  I did not get a thing done yesterday either.  Monday really discombobulated my chores.

The birds are everywhere anyway.  I'd be bombed with bird poo even if I did put laundry outside.  I wonder if the pioneers would have found this bird situation as an opportunity for black bird pie?

I purchased these during my last trip to the health store.  I looked up the first ingredient and it's something people used years ago to put on their spear heads when hunting.  Now that doesn't make these "Stress Mints" very appealing, even knowing they are in small amounts.  I think I'll stick to my herbal teas for now.


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