Sunday, October 19, 2014

Work Day ~ Visiting Family

I think I have blogger's block today.  However, I feel that not blogging would be a disservice to my readers.  I have no pictures to share either.  Sigh.  Could it be that I am simply getting boring?

I spent most of the day outdoors.  Hubby was called in to work for a few hours, so I collected all the flower pots and emptied those, put away all metal stands and hanging baskets etc.  Garden hoses were dried out and rolled up for storage too.  Winter prep stuff like that was done.

The kids had a long list of "to-do" indoors, and I see a few did not get done.  I took a quick trip to the big city with Hubby and visited his sister.  We took her some homemade crock pot macaroni and cheese for her as well.  She is looking better, but has a long ways to go to recover.

After that we visited my Mom.  I came home with two bags full of hedge apples.  I'll put those around the house today.  They do work at keeping those pesky spiders out too.

Yesterday, although it rained off and on, I was successful with drying laundry outside.  Today it is a bit chilly, but I do love this weather.  It's perfect for wood splitting and such.

Five Minutes for Me  ~  Sipping a mug of homemade hot chocolate on the front porch.  Mmm.  


  1. You may think you're boring but I don't. I love all the things you do and it motivates a round robin. I like to read and connect with women that "use it up, make it do, throw it out, or buy it new"....similar to your saying except this is the one I grew up with. LOL! You are NEVER boring!

  2. I agree . . . you are NOT boring. Pictures are nice (but not always necessary) in that we get more of a picture of your surroundings . . . and inhabitants!

    I admire the way you do post so very frequently. I keep thinking that as I get into winter, I'll be a better blogger, too. You're my inspiration!

  3. Enjoy your porch and your hot chocolate Kristina. We all need days of rest now and then. Even God needed one every six days. ;o)

    God bless.



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