Thursday, October 9, 2014

Tidbits and To-do's ~ Surprise Mail ~ Millet Skillet

With a growling stomach yesterday morning, I randomly wrote out my "to-do" list.  It never has a particular order, and anything not completed simply rolls over into the next day.  Interruptions can do that.  

It was still too wet outside, and everything was still dripping in the bright sun, so I concentrated on the indoor work.  

The weather however, was excellent for laundry on the line.

Bleach hair brushes and combs
laundry washed and on the clothesline
Olive oil Sadie (she's the dry skin dog)
Brush Alias
Vacuum the shampooed carpets again 
Move furniture back
Take trash and recycling out
Get another box ready for Goodwill
Dinner prep
Let chickens out/collect eggs
Open goat barn, water them all (daughter did this for me)
Bake something
Clean a cat box
Wash down master bath sinks
Order items from the library
Mix up homemade hot chocolate
Work on Mom's project

 Five Minutes for Me - breakfast on the porch.  It was an absolutely beautiful day outside, despite everything soaking wet.  The sun was out all day.

I ended up baking an Applesauce Oatmeal Cookies.  I haven't baked cookies in so long.  I just adapted one from the internet with organic ingredients.  Thankfully, I had one bag of chocolate chips.

Four cookies went into a "Happy" box to Son.  I was thrilled to get a phone call from Daughter too.  She is now certified in combative training.  

You know I have to say, I thought I would be run-around-the-house-naked happy when the kids all moved out, but that's not the case.  I'm really missing those two.  That makes me a bit nervous for when they all move out.  I'm sure there is a book for that (sarcasm).

 Making progress on the Christmas ornaments. Hm.  I'm not sure if I should show the final ornament until after I gift them.  I could be spoiling it for some folks. Hmm.

To my surprise, this arrived in the mail.  Thank you Jan!  There are two layers of crochet thread in that box!

 I found a millet/egg bake recipe online, using ham and cheese.  This was very good.  Although I still think it could use a bit more flavor, everyone gobbled it up.  I love how one cup of millet makes about 3 cooked cups.  There are many recipes online using spinach too, so we plan to try those as well.

Today is warmer and the ground had time to dry up a bit.  It's a good day to get back in the dirt.  I best go write up my list of to-do's and stay on task.


  1. Your so busy as usual - hope you have time to join in a blog hop? I don't think it's come your way yet but I'm have a terrible 'grumpy' computer this last week so I've missed lots of posts.
    Hope you don't mind, i've put you down as a future link on my post - computer willing I will be able to publish today.
    Every time I've cooked with millet I've always found it lacking flavor too...there must be some complimentary ingredient to it?

  2. I love the sight of your laundry on the line - it looks so happy! I also envy your focus on getting everything checked off your to do list. I don't think I have accomplished one list in years. And THANK YOU for the millet bake recipe idea! I have three bags of millet in the freezer and not one recipe idea. I am trying new grains - that bake looks wonderful!

  3. Sorry - I forgot to mention it but all you have to do is answer the four questions that I answered in my latest post.

  4. You got EVERY SINGLE THING on your list done yesterday?? (I may have to stop reading your blog.) I don't think I've EVER gotten my whole list done. :o(

    You've made me think of making my Millet Loaf for dinner tonight. Thanks for jogging my sometimes feeble memory!

  5. I delegated some vacuuming to the girls, and they clean two other litter boxes, so I did have a shorter list. Mama Pea don't stop reading, ha ha!

    Emma, I will have to go and read your post.

  6. I understand about the "rolling over" to the next day! Why do I think I can get so much done? You'd think I'd have learned by now. The weather has a lot to do with getting certain things done today and dropping others until it's a different type of weather.
    I understand completely!

  7. I keep forgetting to "read more" and so now that I have I have another comment. Trying to free up your time....I throw brushes and combs in the dishwasher...everything gets sanitized and as for Sadie...couldn't you feed her olive oil in her food as opposed to putting it on her coat?
    I love your cross stitch pretty. What a great gift to give you...crochet thread!
    Your breakfast looks yummy!

  8. Oh those darned lists never seem to get shorter do they? Always something that needs to be done. Really love your breakfast tray!

  9. That's a very pretty shade of green crochet thread. I use that type of thread for quilting. There is a regular "quilting" thread, but I've found it's too sharp and often cuts through the quilted fabrics after a time whereas the single ply crochet thread is sturdy and doesn't cut through the fabrics at all. I have to use a needle with a larger eye and sew with shorter threads to avoid tangling, but I do believe it turns out a nicer stronger project in the end.

    God bless.



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