Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Rat, thief, molting? Or just too cold?

We seem to have a situation in the chicken coop.  On October 21st of 2013, this is what we got from the coop:

This year?  We are getting two or three of we are lucky.  Either we have another rat (which I have not seen egg shells, or do rats eat all of it?), another thief getting in somehow, molting, or they need a heat lamp now.  

It has been getting cold, but Hubby insisted we don't need heat on them "just yet."  I beg to differ.  I'll put a lock on the door this week, put heat on them, and see if the production increases.  

A stray cat outside was aggravating Jesse last night.  He was barking about midnight or so, and would not stop.  Timmy, our black barn (male) cat, was actually chasing this cat off.  Normally, Timmy would be "oh please, don't go, be my friend." 

We do need more flood lights, so that is on the winter prep list now.   As for the cat, it can keep on, movin' on.  No vacant rooms at the Inn.

This time last year, I was also canning Carmel Apple Jam, and making these recycled baby food jars of homemade taco mix for Christmas presents.  I had spray painted the lids, and glued crochet granny rounds inside recycled bottle cap lids and made them into magnets, and decorated the jar tops with them.    I was also making lots of things with our pears.  This year?   Nada.  No canning, no pears, no handmade Christmas gifts, no anything.   I seem to be slacking this fall.

It's also colder than last October was.  I better get on the ball and get winter prep full throttle.  



  1. You are no "slacker"! Don't even go there. I hope you figure out what's up with the egg production or lack there of.
    I am still wondering why our acorns around here are still green? Strange things are happening everywhere....Halloween is coming!

  2. Hi Kristina,
    I have never commented here before but have been following you for a while. Your egg situation is much like my own, but I have this come up most every late fall. I send some of my old hens to the freezer to make room for the pullets, but the pullets aren't laying yet, then almost everybody starts molting! Feathers all over the place! Anyway, things will get better. I enjoy your blog and admire your energy. You are one of my inspirations that led to my own blog... not as fancy as yours but if you would like to visit... Thanks for being you!

  3. Debby, thanks for commenting and for following my blog. I'm glad I can be an inspiration even though I lack content this fall season.

    Sam I am, this fall is very strange indeed. Today we have thick fog, but it rolled in after the school bus left. Very strange weather.


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