Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday

 I'm joining Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.

 Breakfast time, what is on the plate this morning. . .

Omelet, potatoes/onions/peppers, toast, coffee and homemade applesauce.

Looking around the house. . .

I love my dried leaf rooster on the wall.  

I'm glad I made it.  It was kind of my "Five Minutes for Me" kind of thing.  The kids are slacking.  They will each get a list today.  Again.

On today's to-do list. . .
Laundry on the line
Call Propane for estimate
Clean master bath - sweep and mop, the whole sha-bang
Make homemade dishwasher cleaner
Wipe down spider webs everywhere
Wipe down cob webs in chicken coop
Water chickens/goats
(Dogs are always on the list)
Mail a card
Write a thank you note
Take trash out
Clean under bathroom sinks
Clean under kitchen sink
(last two are on the week-long to-do list)

Currently reading.  .  . 

On the TV . . .
Most likely netlfix, other than Tuesday and Sunday nights.

The weather outside is. . .

Gorgeous.  Chilly, yet nice, and cozy, and a great day to dry laundry outside.


On the menu this week . . .
I have no idea.  Today I put leftover onion soup (the kind I made and froze), as a base in my crocky, for a veggie soup to go with cornbread.

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will. . .
 Crochet, and sip a hot cup of rosemary tea.

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week. . .

Believe it or not, I have no new recipes I wish to try this week.  I might next week, you never know.

One of my simple pleasures. . .
Fresh Flowers

Favorite photo from the camera. . .

I can't say I have a favorite photo per-say, but this is from this week.  One of our barn cats "Sassy" hanging out on the front porch with me.  She is a lover of a cat, and is an excellent barn cat when it comes to eradicating rodents.

Visiting with Blog friends (blog you want to share, blog post that caught your eye). . .

Nothing today.  Haven't really had time to roam the internet.

Praying for. . .
  Our older military kids, family, and friends with special requests

Bible verse, Devotional, that is resonating with me at the moment . . .

Isaiah 40:31


  1. Your breakfast looks delicious! Love the photo of the leaves. The colours are beautiful. Have a great week.

  2. ur dried leaf rooster is fantastic! So simple and yet very striking.

  3. Cute rooster picture. I need to work more on my to do list. Not much done today. Can you share your dishwasher cleaner. I tried one but it didn't work to well.

  4. Oops, lost the "Yo.." in the first word at the beginning of my previous post. My keyboard has been doing that lately and I don't know if it's the actual keyboard or some glitch in the belly of my computer.

  5. I was so happy to see you join in :)

    Love your rooster picture, that is just adorable.

    Hope you've been having a good week.


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