Monday, October 13, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday

Joining Happy Homemaker Monday, with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.....
Breakfast time, what is on the plate this morning. . .

 Zucchini salsa scrambled eggs, toast and coffee.

Looking around the house . . .
  I see the kids left the front room a mess this morning. Hmpf.  Next to clean, is that room.  The chimney sweep is coming next month and Daughter's totes are surrounding it. Those need to be put back in storage.

On today's to-do list. . .
*water goats/chickens, collect eggs
*sweep the kitchen
*get dinner in the roasting pan

*can applesauce

*bake two loaves of blueberry bread for lunches
*clean master bathroom toilet
*clean a cat box

*mail a thank you note
*walk dogs
*cut more chives to freeze
*check for any more parsley to dry
*wash most of my baking dishes so the kids don't yell at me

Currently reading. . .
 (borrowed from the library, so I hope to have time to finish it)

On the TV. . .
 If you are wondering, Hubby and have not been successful at staying up Tuesday nights to catch the show at 10:00pm.  Just too late for us.  We did get to watch The Walking Dead Sunday night.   Or the kids and I anyway, as Hubby worked.  My son was texting me through the whole show, trying to aggravate me, simply because in his time zone he had to wait to watch it.  The little turd.

The weather outside is. . .
  Rainy, gloomy, cloud cover, but then the sun should show up at the end of the week.

On the menu this week . . .
 Anything from the freezer and pantry.

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will . . .
  Write in my journal. Sit on the porch.

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week. . .
  Coke Cake or Thyme-Sea Salt Crackers

One of my simple pleasures. . .
  Rings.  I love to wear rings (when I am not getting dirty in outdoor work).

Favorite photo from the camera. . .
 It's not a photo from this week or last, but it's a "happy" photo (sigh).  I love camping.  I miss camping already.

Visiting with Blog friends (blog you want to share, blog post that caught your eye). . .
  Thanks to my older brother, I have been visiting a blog with tons of free crochet patterns, including a pink ribbon scarf.  She has many YouTube videos and more patterns at Ravelry and Craftsy.   If you crochet, you'll love visiting this site:  Naztazia

Praying for . . .
 Mom, Dad, my cousins, friends and family with special requests, Hubby's sister (she was back in ICU and now back in a nursing home), the kids, my own family.

Bible verse, Devotional, that is resonating with me at the moment. . . . 
 Galatians 6:9 "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up (NIV)."


  1. Enjoyed reading your post. The bread looked so good.

  2. I really need to get busy and make some bread for the week. As soon as I finish with the weeks link up I am going to get on that.

    Rings are one of my favorite pieces of jewelry too. I think I get it from my grandmother, she always had hand fulls of rings on.

    Have a great week!

  3. I loved your camping mugs, they look so good! And the berry bread looks so yummy! Have a nice week :)

  4. I already had lunch but now I am craving eggs, your picture looks so good.

    I LOVE your camping mugs, they are beautiful.

    I actually have Hattie Big Sky and I love it so much, hope you enjoy it.

    Have a great week.

  5. Joining with you in your prayer needs.

    God bless.



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