Monday, October 6, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday

Breakfast time, what is on the plate this morning. . .
Veggie omelet, toast and coffee

Looking around the house. . .
 My kitchen is still a mess, but it'll get cleaned up soon enough. 

On today's to-do list. . .
~ return and pick up books at the library
~ bake banana bread

~ bake granola bars
~ check laundry
~ sweep all floors (delegating to the kids)
~ clean chicken coop (didn't get done yesterday)
~ collect eggs
~ figure out dinner
~ write
~ take trash out
~ pull food from the freezer for tomorrow's dinner

Currently reading . . . 
Nothing currently.  Just picked up more books. The local newspaper, if that counts.

On the TV . . .
   Tuesday:  Sons of Anarchy (hoping I can stay awake)
   Sunday:  The Walking Dead

The weather outside is. . .
  overcast, cool, and a bit of rain

On the menu this week . . .
Monday:  Potato and Corn Chowder
Tuesday:  Spanish rice
Wednesday:  Egg/Millet Bake

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will. . .
  Do some more cross-stitch pieces for handmade Christmas ornaments, sip hot chocolate on the front porch

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week. . .
Stupid Pie, I found a recipe in one of my older cookbooks, and an Egg/millet bake.

One of my simple pleasures. . .
Writing with pen and paper, making Christmas ornaments.  Making ornaments is a passion of mine, and I have been doing it for years now.

Favorite photo from the camera. . .

Visiting with Blog friends (blog you want to share, blog post that caught your eye). . .
  Nothing at the moment

Praying for. . .
Hubby's sister Lavina, Family, and friends with special requests, ourselves, our military kids

Bible verse, Devotional, that is resonating with me at the moment . . .

Psalm 27:14, Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! ESV


  1. The photo from your camera looks like a painting. Lovely.

  2. Thanks Mama Pea. I recycled an old leaky water trough into a flower bed of sunflowers (just outside the wood barn). Folks driving in and out (or by us) can see them against the barn.

  3. Joining with you in prayer for your SIL and for her loved ones, and for all allied military personnel and their loved ones, for they too, in their own way, serve this country too, often struggling to keep the homefires burning while their soldier, sailor, Marine, etc. is away.
    God bless.


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