Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Fall Color ~ Clothesline

While walking to the mailbox, I noticed my snapdragons are adding some vibrant fall color to the flower beds.

The tree leaves continue to fall into the flower beds, but the flowers are still holding on.

This fall weather has been very nice this year.  It seems to last a bit longer than last season.

Porch time is wonderful this time of year, aside from crop bugs lingering on warm days.

Thankfully, there has not been another sighting of the raccoon.   Mr. spider got the memo and left too.  

It's a good day to put my laundry outside today, so bedding is on the agenda.  Now that my garden is almost coming to a complete halt, I am filling up my work time with more deep cleaning.  It's those little things that I could not clean during gardening season - light fixtures, door jams, dust, dust, dust.   The weatherman tells us it will be a cool lower 50's today, but breezy.

Hubby's friends who drive by all winter, often inquire about why I put laundry out in winter.  They sometimes ask "do you make her do that?"  Ha ha.  

This month our electric bill was only $84.88.  It's been lower than that too.  Putting our laundry out year round is essential to a lower electric bill.  We have the highest in our area.  I don't mind it anyway.  It's a chance for me to get fresh air and be outside for a bit in the winter.

The dogs enjoy putting laundry out too.  All I have to do is say the "L" word and they all come running to go out with me.  

Every once in a while, I do dry the bedding in the dryer, to remove allergens, but 99% of the time it's dried by nature.

Kind of a boring post today, but I have no exciting news or family funnies today.  

Remember all that mustard sauce I canned? Well tonight's dinner is simply organic chicken pieces placed in my crocky, topped with a jar of sauce.  We'll eat it over brown rice, along with some veggies.  If I have time, and enough eggs, I might even bake a dessert to go with it.


  1. When my dryer died, I did not replace it. I much prefer air-dried clothes. It might take a little longer and not always be convenient, but they smell wonderful - winter or summer!

  2. Susan, my bedroom smelled so good last night. I love that smell.

  3. Just be careful it doesn't cause arthritis in your hands hanging out wet clothes in the winter. You could hang in the house and that would add needed humidity inthe Winter. Just a thought.


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