Thursday, September 11, 2014

Random Tidbits

(tomatoes heating for freezing tomato juice)

(ketchup reducing)

Yesterday while more ketchup was reducing on the stove, and in another pot I was heating tomatoes for tomato juice, I took my lunch to the porch.  It was kind of my "five minutes" to myself part of the day.
I picked more green and red bell peppers, and wandered around checking the tomatoes.  There are more green ones on the larger tomato plants yet.

I noticed another glady bloomed.  A few more have yet to show their colors this season.  They are late blooming, but I'm not complaining.  I love them.

It rained most of the day, but thankfully, there wasn't any thunder and lightning.  

I had to put my 5 gallon laundry soap bucket in the kitchen, so I wouldn't forget to make that too.  I'm down to the bottom of the bucket.  I forgot to tend to that job the day before.

It was a mail day for the kids - 2 boxes to Daughter and a letter to Son.  While my ketchup was boil sealing, I had one daughter watch it so I could go mail those items.  

When I returned, I started melting unscented goat's milk soap with water to make a 5 gallon bucket of homemade laundry detergent.  I am not out of unscented soap, so that must be restocked soon.  This bucket will last a long time.

My youngest will soon be wearing her first eye glasses.  We found out she really needed them too.  We do not have vision coverage on our insurance, so that's a bummer.  Her eye problems were the source of most of her headaches, so in about a week she'll be feeling much better.

Last night I did get some crochet time in, and read through a pioneer cookbook.  There are a few interesting recipes I may have to try.  I just need to find a crock now.


  1. I have a vision of you in constant motion from o'dark thirty until you fall into bed. I'm not sure what failed logic keeps most insurance companies from including vision insurance. I mean, we DO need to see, don't we? I am going to do up a batch of your ketchup this weekend. Having tasted homemade, I cannot go back. Love your updates!

  2. I sent out a box to my son and grandson yesterday too. I went to the Farmer's Market and got some goodies but probably won't be making anything else until apples come in.
    Your tomato products look wonderful and so glad your daughter is getting glasses to help her.

  3. Yes, I'm still envious of all the tomatoes you're able to grow and all the good, good products you can make from them. I did that all when we lived in Illinois, but northern Minnesota (even though it's the place we want to be) is just not tomato growing country. I do so enjoy reading about your tomato preserving though. :o)

    My daughter is currently without laundry facilities so she uses our washer and dryer. In exchange (bless her heart), she makes all of our laundry soap . . . which is much appreciated!

  4. You go lady! Man do you know how to rock it! Have you shared that laundry detergent recipe before!?!? Would love to hear more about it! Beautiful bloom!!! Wishing you a lovely weekend! Nicole xo

  5. I don't know if I posted the laundry detergent recipe, but will check on that for you and post it.


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