Sunday, September 21, 2014

Dirty Work

Like many of you, I have been madly ripping out my garden (and a long way from being finished).  I still have potatoes, a few pie pumpkins, popcorn and a small bit of pinto beans to harvest.  It's been such a blessing this year.

Youngest looked at my fingernails and said, "Oh my Mom, I need to paint these."

Silly girl.  Dirt is my current nail color.  

I'm still getting a few last glady blooms around the front porch, and enjoying them.  I have a box of tulip bulbs that need planted soon, for spring blooms.  I'll be squeezing that into my fall work schedule.

It rained pretty hard during the night so it'll be too wet to work in the garden.  Not sure yet about splitting wood, but Hubby is still working on his truck repair too.  To be honest, after I watched the sunrise, the sky looks like we could get more rain today.  

As far as job searching goes, most everything is done online anymore.  It takes about 1 hour to finish one particular application.  No wonder my kids complained about job searching.  You can't just fill out an application, attach your resume, and hand it to a person.  It's kind of frustrating.

Last night three of us started a game of cards on the front porch.  We ended up playing with a camping lantern, until the rain and wind arrived, blowing are cars around.  We did have a good time anyway.  


  1. Good Luck on the job search.

    Garden here is still thriving but I do look forward to the end of it. A needed rest is in order....

  2. Love the nail color!! And that gladly is so pretty!! I hear you on the job applications! Everyone I know gets so frustrated with the current job application process....takes way too long. Have a great week ahead and I love a good game of cards!! Nicole xo

  3. For once, we haven't had rain in the last 24 hours so back out into the garden for more clean-up is on the schedule for me today.

    Your card playing on the porch sounds like a good way to wind down of a Saturday night.

  4. didn't get any of the gardening done this weekend...
    so my coop and gardens are still on the list.
    will be worked on Monday or Tuesday.
    Wednesday-- lunch with my grandson at school. Grandparents day!
    Love a nice family game of cards...on the porch sounds fun.


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