Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Barter and other Tidbits

Hubby found someone at work who was willing to share some garlic.  We bartered, and gave him a jar of homemade Cinnamon-Blueberry Jam.

I filled three trays with sliced garlic, to dry and grind into garlic powder (I use a small coffee bean grinder).

I saved the last tray for minced garlic.  I dry it on a piece of parchment paper.  While garlic is very good for us, I'd rather know where, and how it was grown, before I feed it to my family. 

I got the pinto bean fence picked, but will wait for the rain to pull the plants.  I think we'll have enough for one meal, even though Hubby stripped my harvest early.  He's still feeling bad about that.  

We would have had six (or more) times the harvest had he not.  I only got 1 1/2 lbs. of beans this season.  Next year, I'm taking "Danger" tape and putting it across my pinto/black bean fence next year.

I stole a few minutes on the porch yesterday, and drizzled my applesauce with elderberry infused honey (thanks for the suggestion Mama Pea) and a sprinkle of organic cinnamon.  Mmmmm!  I really need to find more apples, and at a good price too.

It's pitch dark right now and the rain is pouring down.  At 5:00am I was running out my back door in my jammies and slippers to retrieve my popcorn I accidentally left out.  Thank goodness the raccoons didn't find it.  Phew!

I love the sound of the rain pitter pattering on the roof.  I think I'll take it slower this morning, and write letters to my military kids on the front porch before I start any work.


  1. Haha! Had to laugh at the thought of you putting the "Danger" tape (how 'bout electric fencing?) across your dry bean planting . . . this year you could have put up some "Crime Scene" tape after your unknowing hubby did the damage!

    You lucked out in that the raccoons didn't find that lovely little lunch of popcorn last night!

  2. Mama Pea, I am on the hunt for that "Danger" tape so I am prepared next spring, ha ha! An electric zapper would do the trick too, ha ha ha ha!

  3. Oh writing letters~
    something, I considering as well as journaling for posterity!
    that applesauce looks delicious.
    We used to purchase apples by the crates when the chair factory was in town. It was Mennonite owned and in the Fall, they'd send a truck load of chairs and furniture north to PA to sell-- but the truck always came down loaded with apples. You could purchase different varieties in crates. The Mennonite neighbor down the street taught us how to make applesauce. It was delicious!
    Now...I'd have to go to the Dallas Market for apples. They want an arm and a leg for them.
    rain sounds lovely. We need some- badly.
    I've got laundry on the line today-- but if it were to rain, I DON'T THINK I CARE! :)

  4. I need to get my garlic in the ground! I forgot about the hubby and your beans. Bummer! That applesuace looks so good.

  5. I think it's a common problem. My daughter's husband did the same thing! I liked Mama Pea's suggestion about electric fencing! LOL!
    I wish I could hear anything in this house. It's so well insulated that I can barely hear thunder.
    Your beans are beautiful though despite the small harvest.
    The applesauce looks yummy especially the way you fixed it.
    I need to be on the lookout for apples. Take care!

  6. Here ya go Kristina...
    And only $6.85 for a 1000 foot roll too.
    God bless.


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