Saturday, August 9, 2014

Mullein ~ Garage Cleaning ~ Hanky Dish/Drink Cover

The mullein leaves I ordered have arrived.  I mixed up a tea with dried spearmint leaves and a bit of honey.    I downed a cup immediately after it arrived yesterday.  Not too bad either.

Once I have a few more days of the tea, I'll let you know if it worked.   Also, the tea was shipped in a clear plastic zip bag, so now I am on the hunt for tins or amber glass containers to store it in.

I plan to make a donation to our Goodwill today, so I may stop in and see what I can find today.  As for our "donation" it will be from a semi-good cleaning of the garage.  I won't be able to to a complete cleaning until Daughter has finished her AIT training and settled her belongings into an apartment.

There are many garage sales in a small nearby town today as well (to seek out inexpensive tea storage), but we do have a lot of work to complete this weekend.    I can't be gallivanting around today.   I'm about to blow a whistle and give the kids a little wake up call (he he!)  Hubby is still in bed too.  Sheesh.  What is he thinking?  

Which makes me wonder why I should even be thinking of time to do any handicraft work.....

Back in 2012, I embroidered several hankies, and sewed large recycled beads on the corners.  I embroidered a camper coffee pot, camper, and flowers on them.  The one with the camper on it is in our pop up camper.  I'm considering making a few more of these for when we are entertaining outside....adding it to the appropriate list.

Tomatoes are coming in now.  I brought in about 4 lbs. last night.  I need 6 to make taco sauce, 10 to make ketchup, and 45 lbs. to make sauce.  Not sure what I need yet for my salsa.

School shopping has started.  My email inbox is over-flowing with sales coupons.  I already used one to buy my 12th grader two pairs of jeans at JCPenney.  They were priced at $42.00 each, but with sales and a coupon, we bought them at $14.99/each.  That is cheaper than what they are at Wal-mart.  

You should see their supply list?  Binders by the boat load.  I told them to go check last years leftovers, before they write me up a list.  Those things are not cheap at all.  And thank goodness we can pass down a graphing calculator.   So far it's been used every year by who ever is in their senior year.  I think we had to pay about $80-90 for it several years ago.

Well, here I am rattling off about school starting, and I should be blowing my whistle to get this day started.  Hubby is installing a new kitchen faucet for me.  It's been broken for a year and I finally got a new one (Thank you Mom and Dad!).  I told the kids if they break this one, I am taking their iPods and selling them to buy the next faucet.  I hope the fear keeps them in line and they'll treat the faucet respectively.

Oh, and I did get my new stove burner.  However, because my stove is so old, the replacement does not quite fit to be completely level.  I will have Hubby look at it and see if he can work it to fit until next year.  I do have a lot of canning to do yet this season. 


  1. I enjoyed your rattling, makes it seem like I am there with you enjoying a cup of coffee and just chatting :)

    I love the embroidered work, so pretty.

    My tomatoes haven't come in yet, not sure what is going on. I WAS given some yesterday and I will be making salsa out of those.

    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  2. Our tomatoes were slow coming...and just trickled in a little at a time.
    I didn't get any put up...but we have eaten every single one that comes in the house. :)

  3. It hasn't been hot enough for our tomatoes to turn red yet. The roma tomato plants are over loaded with green tomatoes and keep falling over, even with the stakes and cages. I have never prayed so much for a week long heat wave before. Then I will be cursing because all of the tomatoes will turn at once. LOL

  4. Sandra is right! Reading your posts is like talk we would have over a cup of coffee. I love 'em!


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