Sunday, August 17, 2014

Marriage Booster Weekend

Hubby and I, on a last minute whim, hooked up the camper and went to the cheapest and closest campground. 

We set up camp to enjoy each other's company for a marriage booster weekend.  We really wanted to ferry over to our favorite island, but work told us a different story.   

 Hubby and I try to get time with each other several times a year. 

Before we left I dug up potatoes to take for campfire meals, and whatever else we could from the garden.  Why not, right? 

I even took a jar of that delicious zucchini salsa, and some organic/non-gmo tortilla chips.

Even though the chickens are molting, I managed to grab four eggs for breakfast meals.  

We took many vegetables from the garden as well.

We still had duties at home, but we were able to go back and forth and still have time together.   

I had the garden, Hubby had errands and such.

We enjoyed sitting around and relaxing... 

...reading books.

. . . more crocheting.

 . . . .playing cards.

. . . more reading. 

On the way home we had to wait for a long train.  We squeezed in more reading and more crocheting time, in the truck, while waiting.

Anyone know what this bug is?  They were all over the picnic table area of our campsite.  There is a bit of orange color on the front under-half and green and black on the back.  We also had a baby praying mantis in our camper that Hubby rescued.  

Friday night the weather was so nice, it was actually cold enough to heat the camper.  Saturday night started out cool, but turned humid and damp.  It's trying to rain, but nothing yet.  We do need rain too.

The reality of our home life is that we absolutely cannot leave the home unattended.  Our oldest daughter (younger two went to a sleepover) watched over the home this weekend, but was up all night on edge from the dogs barking at mud bog noise, and was worried people were walking up into our property after dark.  So, next trip, Hubby will drop me and kids off, and come back to watch over the home.  I hate to do it that way, but we feel better that Hubby can protect the home better (and I feel it's getting too dangerous for Daughter to do it alone), or we'll have the men folk from his family stay here for us.  We all need a break from the noise on the weekends, but we do have to protect our home and animals. 

What I'd like to do, is go to another township meeting and invite them all to pitch a tent in my backyard on a Saturday night.  I've already invited some to sit on my front porch to listen, and to see how many mud boggers use our private driveway for a public turn-around.  I keep praying that someone cares enough to actually do something about it.

Well, I better go wash up the bedding from camping, our dish towels and such.  I want to get them dried outside before any rain arrives.

How was your weekend?


  1. Good for you and camping does it for us too ~ just makes us feel close to enjoy the great outdoors together in wilderness beauty !

  2. Such a good thing - the two of you getting away for some alone time. But how sad to be held hostage by a bunch of idiots! I do hope someone in town government steps up and does the right thing. I love your napkins! You are such a talented crafter!

  3. Glad you got a little bit of camper hubby time! That is so sad your daughter is afraid to be by herslef because of those idiots!

  4. Keep recording Kristina, video and in a book journal. Sooner or later, someone will listen, your efforts will be rewarded and your peace will be restored.
    I believe that.
    God bless.

  5. Lovely idea to get away like that but sorry to hear that you don't feel like your home is safe while you are away, that can't be very relaxing. Sincerely hope you get this mud bog guy sorted soon.

  6. Hi Kristina-
    catching up on all the goings on here and else where. Your weekend away sounds so wonderful! We have a renewed interest in our camper. We've finally gotten to a point where getting it fixed and camp-able is on our agenda. We bought back before the Honey had that heart attack. Your camping trips always sound so wonderful.
    So sorry about all the uproar and such going on there.
    I hope it all goes away soon.


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