Saturday, July 12, 2014

My Son is New Marine!

We brought son home.....for 10 days anyway.  We drove through seven states round trip, driving through three mountains, and covered about 1600 miles.   We brought home not just a son, but a new Marine.  We are very proud.  And yes, I did cry. 

The photo is son's platoon, out of six that graduated that day.  It was hot, humid and just plain uncomfortable.  I'll spare you the photos of my South Carolina humid hair (ha ha!).

If you ever go to Parris Island, for a Marine Graduation, or happen to be in that area, you have to eat at Fat Patties (Beaufort, SC).  New graduates eat free, and it was the best burger and locally made ice cream we ever had.  I kid you not!  Totally worth stopping for.

We are safely back home, despite a very, long drive home.  We took a different route home, to avoid rush hour around a major city, but ended up in dead-stop road construction at two in the morning.  We looked like folks high on drugs when we got home.  We drove straight thru on the way home, and Hubby downed enough coffee to give him gut rot. 

After 5 hours of sleep, and downing coffee, we are up and visiting today, loading photos to share, and just enjoying the time together.

You know I can't go very long without a funny to share.  This one was as hilarious as the "camper incident." 

Hubby and I checked into our hotel for the night before "Family Day."  We hurried to wash up and run out for dinner.  I had been sitting in the chair in the hotel room.

Hubby used the bathroom.  I heard the bathroom door handle - click, click, click.

I heard the handle again, clank, clank, clank.

I heard the handle again, CLITTICKY, CLANK, CLICK, CLANK, CLANK, CLITTICKY, CLANK......POP!  The door was opened as I headed over to try and open it.  I admit I was laughing.

Hubby was stuck in the bathroom, with a broken door knob.  And this time, he did not have a screwdriver, ha ha ha!  

"Uh, Honey? he said calmly, "I think we better not shut this door."

I think we laugh harder each time we re-tell the story.  We had two more bathroom door handle incidents that made this one even funnier - once at a restaurant and once at a McDonald's when we stopped for coffee and a potty break.  Ha ha ha! And this time, it was me stuck in the bathroom.  

I need to go check the garden, to see if the girls did a good job at watching over it, go kiss the goats and hug my chickens.  We are taking son to the doctor to get a "once over" and to make sure he's in tip-top shape.  We hope the time he's home we will have a lot of fun, as he leaves again for combat training soon.

This is why you haven't seen a post from me.  I did have access to the internet, but we were so tired, busy, and even enjoyed dinner one night with one of my brother's and his wife who also attended graduation.

I need to get off of here, and let Son have his "computer fix" and check on his banking.  

...more later....



  1. Congratulations to your son on his graduation! They all look so smart in their uniforms!

  2. Congratulations to your son! I know you must be a wee bit wonky after the trip, catching up on being home and spending as much time as you can with your son. The ten days will fly by. Enjoy this new phase of his life!

  3. That is wonderful. Congratulations to your son :)

  4. You are one funny lady (taking your new Marine to your doctor for the once over). Mom, do you not know the doctors at PI already did that, probably once or more a week during the time he was there, so he's been checked from stem to stern, and from stern to stem back again - and is already more fit than he's ever been in his entire lifetime. Oh, and he's had inoculations for things you and I can't probably even spell. LOL

    Tell him this Old Salt said Semper Fi and good job - from a USMC Woman Marine Sergeant, 1969-72.

    And hold him close. You probably won't have this much time to do so again during the next 4-8 years.

    Prayers for his safety and happiness, wherever he goes, and for all those he goes with too.

    God bless.


  5. Congrats to your son for surviving basic training! I cried when we went to see my daughters graduation into the Army! That was one heck of a long trip. Glad you made it home safely. Enjoy the special time with your Marine!

  6. Oh, how proud you must be of your son! We pray every week for our troops at weekly Bible study.

    Funny bathroom stories :)


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