Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4th ~ Sesame Chicken Strips ~ Rhubarb Chutney

Although very rewarding, gardening can be exhausting work to say the least.  No, we did not go camping (again).   I am just dreaming and looking at some old photos.

We are having the most perfect weather, and where are we today?  

In the garden.  Or at least I am.  Hubby got out of weeding and picking again.  Just as we were sipping coffee, sitting on the porch, his phone rang.  Work called.  He took the call out even though he was off today.

People should start "garden sitting" and "goat milking" for jobs this summer.  Of course they'd have to be trustworthy.  Even though I know the closest campground is most likely booked solid, I did sneak over and peek at their availability.

Waahhhh!  I need my camping fix!  The kids have been asking too.  Maybe I can convince Hubby we need to pop it up to do a good cleaning on the inside (he he!).  Maybe next week....sigh.....I have a feeling it won't be until next month.  It is something to look forward too, so I will be planning camper meals and activities all July.

Happy 4th of July!

We should be grilling dinner tonight, but my youngest (who still gets into these holidays) wants chicken tenders.  I make them from scratch and bake them in the oven.  Then she wants homemade fries (baked).  I had to tell her I don't have a double oven (yet) and cannot cook both at the same time.  I think she'll opt for mashed potatoes with garlic and chives.

Sesame Chicken Strips
3 Tbsp. butter, melted
1 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 cup crushed sesame snack crackers (about 30)*
1 tsp. ground ginger
1/4 tsp. salt
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch strips

In a bowl, combine butter and soy sauce.  In another bowl, combine cracker crumbs, ginger and salt.  Dip chicken strips into butter mixture, then roll in crumbs until coated on all sides.  Place in a single layer on a greased baking sheet.  Bake at 450°F for 10 minutes or until juices run clear.

Note:  We used organic ingredients, and sesame crackers can be made from scratch a day in advance.  We crush them in our food processor.   And because I didn't get the "memo" about the holiday meal plan (early on) I did buy sesame sticks from the store (I know, I know, gulp!).  I also bake these on stoneware pans from Pampered Chef.  I do not grease them.

*I do suggest crushing homemade sesame bread sticks (the crunchy kind) vs. crackers.  You can google for recipes on the internet to make them, and they can be made with olive oil vs. canola.

This is the holiday that my dogs dislike.  I woke up to finding Alias in my bed.  Yep, fireworks are not always pet friendly.  Especially for two of our dogs.  We opt for sparklers.

I probably won't get a chance to try this recipe, but if you click on Eating Well Magazine, you will see a recipe for Rhubarb Chutney.  I heard chutney is excellent on fish tacos.  Mmmm!  Let me know if anyone tries this recipe.  I would love a review.


  1. I agree, Took me two hours in the heat to weed two of my 3 gardens. The plants love the heat which is great. Be for me it is so draining.

  2. We are spending our long holiday weekend at home in the yard. And the camper sits beckoning us too! I am going to try the chicken strips for the grandson. Sounds good!

  3. Liz, if you can find Pepperidge Farm Snack sticks (toasted sesame), those are the best flavor for the chicken strips. I could not find them, and used plain sesame sticks, and they did not taste as good. I think the Snack Sticks have garlic and other flavors in them.

  4. Michelle, we are not even close to finishing the weeding, and we are so drained at the end of the day. I forgot how much work it requires.

  5. We don't have the big gardens that most of you have...but we have ONE bed that just gets the weeds! It is a chore to get them out without disturbing the plants. I try to get them out when they are small...makes it much much easier!
    I have my camper in my back yard, and it beckons me to come and work on it-- so that WE CAN GO CAMPING!
    So much work- so little time.

    -- Happy Holiday Weekend Everyone! Pat

  6. Can you camp somewhere on your property? If nothing else, I think it would be great fun, and hey - there's sure to be a REAL bathroom and hot shower nearby. LOL

    God bless.



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