Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hay Day and Other Tidbits

Hubby spent most of the day wrestling with the mower.  He did have to order a part, which should arrive in a week or so.  I continue to wrestle the weeds in the garden.

Almost completely done with both jobs (or for the day anyway) our hay provider called.  They were cutting and baling today.  Hubby took Daughter to go get it this time.  I told him I'd rather not have an allergy flare up like the last time.

I did head back out and cut some zucchini, yellow squash, picked peas and broccoli.  I picked a few jalapeno peppers too.  I see my hot banana peppers are on, and a few green peppers.  Tomatoes are on now as well.  We are approaching the end of wild black raspberries and I am out two times a day to get the last of the last (in hopes to make more jam).

I noticed one of our red raspberry plants did not make it.  Poo!  The other plant actually gave us one berry already this year.  We planted them early spring this year.  I am pretty sure I'll plant 2-3 more of them next spring.  I'll have to wander out to the back and see if the blackberry bushes are doing well.  Last time I checked, one or two looked iffy.  Hubby got them at our Tractor Supply store and they were pretty much sticks when I planted them.  

My new Elderberry bushes are continuing to do well, and flowered this year.  And I won't complain if we don't get any pears this year.

I once again, used up leftover chicken to make sandwiches.  Next to naughty chicken nachos (made using our homemade taco mix), we love it this way.  This time I made homemade cream of chicken soup, added some extra garlic, and again some goat's milk. 

Today I am thankful for:

~ a very, very peaceful Saturday (a lot less traffic, no noise pollution, not one person using our driveway for a turn-around, no exhaust pollution, no cigarette smoke wafting our direction, no screaming voices from the woods - bliss!  We are thankful for whoever made that happen.

~ for Hubby's hard work Saturday

~ for our garden bounty thus far

~ for the goat's milk and Daughter's hard work to get it

~ for the USPS, I got a card from our oldest daughter yesterday.

~ for the folks who manufacture non-gmo/organic foods 

~ natural remedies

~ for God's Protection and Guidance

~ for my 15 year-old who cleaned the coop for me yesterday

~ for chickweed salve, as I was eaten alive by mouth watering mosquitoes while picking black raspberries.  One cannot get through black raspberry season without suffering from mosquitoes, sweltering heat, and prickers.  And some times it's all of them at once.


  1. Looks like good hay! Wouldn't it be nice if all work concerning haying could be done in cool weather? Not logical, but sure would be less taxing on humans!

    Hope you get enough black raspberries for another batch of jam. They don't grow around here . . . too cool.

    Always like reading you "thankful" lists. They remind me of what I need to appreciate in my life.

  2. Mama Pea, the black raspberries do love the heat here.

  3. So much to be thankful for where you are friend....I liked reading through your list! Sounded like a perfectly wonderful day! And your veggies sound amazing!!! A wonderful week to you! Nicole xoxo

  4. Weeding and mowing is a never ends job. Just like dishes.

  5. The load of hay reminded me of watching as a child - a father and his twin teen sons scurrying to gather the hay bales they'd made across the street from our house, because the sky showed rain was coming (and you can't put wet hay into storage because it can ignite through heat build up and spontaneous combustion). It wasn't long before mom and teen daughter were out there helping them too, and through family team work, they made it before the rain came.
    Memories! Funny how they waft in here and there as one gets older.
    God bless.


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