Thursday, July 17, 2014

Goat's Milk Cream Cheese ~ Take 2

I purchased the culture I needed for cream cheese making, and made homemade cream cheese again.  I am desperately taking advantage of the goat's milk this summer.

How did it turn out (photo included this time)?  

Well, much better than the batch with buttermilk.  I also used a cream cheese bag the first time (not a good idea, as the material is thick and draining takes much longer).  This time I used cheesecloth.

I do not have any hardware on my cupboards, so I tied it to a spoon and rested the spoon over a tall pot for it to drain. 

This tastes wonderful!  Again I used this recipe online:  DIY Cream Cheese

Update 8/31/14:  When I follow the linked recipe, I use unpasteurized goat's milk.  I let it sit in the fridge a few days, allowing the cream to rise, and measure my two cups without shaking up the jar of milk.  If you don't (using goat's milk), you may only get half of the intended yield (which is more than a block from the store).  

Did anyone else get out their flannels last night?  Ha ha!  Well, it wasn't that cold, but this weather is amazing!  It's not good for my hot peppers, but awesome for outdoor work, and absolutely the best for camping.


  1. See a great reason to consider keeping the goats...1 point for the PRO side of the argument. I'd love to make cream cheese...I eat that in the morning on my half bagel I allow myself! When I have one. ;) I've made cheese similar to ricotta, by using left over milk (usually slightly blinky) and cheese cloth, I use the whey I get from it for mac and cheese for the Littles! When you drained your cheese, what did you do with your whey? You didn't say?
    We weren't cold enough for warm jammies last night...but it is nice and cool today and we had a good long shower this morning- it will do the garden some good!
    Take care. Pat

  2. Pat,right now I am freezing to use later to make rice.


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