Sunday, July 20, 2014

Could this be your home?

I had to share this postcard.  It was the only one we bought on our recent road trip.  I took a picture of it in the car, on the road trip.  It made Hubby and I laugh pretty good.  However, in reality, we could live in that house and be perfectly happy.  It really made us sigh, as in a happy sigh.  

After the recent repairs, appliance break-downs and other issues, this house is looking really good.

The party last night went smoothly.  The party went well into the night with his friends, but I'm glad he has today to rest up again.  The gokart was up and running, and I hope to see my trees standing this time (I haven't walked out to check).  The rain held off and we could spend time on the porch too.

Now that I have had a Marine flag and USA flag flying, we'll need to locate an Army National Guard flag to support our oldest daughter.  Can you tell I am taking advantage of Mom bragging rights? 

At the last minute, I decided we were having corn on the cob at yesterday's party.  I cut them in half and it worked out nicely.  I even sent corn home (un-shucked) with everyone that came.  Or at least I tried too, ha ha! If they said "a dozen" then I gave them a few extra (he he).

While we were all hanging out in the kitchen cutting Son's "congratulations" cake, my cell phone rang.  It was our oldest daughter.  They had earned another call home.  That was awesome.  Everyone that was here got to listen and talk to her....just another "ahhh" Mom moment.  She had just completed a 12 mile hike that went through the night hours.


  1. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to love our home and family life, isn't it? These days it seems to not be the common thing so those of us who have it are blessed. (Not that we haven't put some blood, sweat and tears into creating our havens!)

    Glad your party for your son was a success. A wonderful memory for him to take with him into this new phase of his life.

  2. That is so funny, and probably the only house we could afford too LOL

    But with that said, I would also be perfectly happy living in it. :)

  3. Maybe those flags will scare off your neighbors too!

  4. The party sounds wonderful. I know you must be so proud. Heck! I don't even know your youngins' but I'm proud too. Love the flags.
    and that card is funny. I could probably be happy in a little cabin just like the one pictured.

  5. Your house is so darn cute. Would love to spent some time on that porch! Glad the party went smoothly. What a treat with a phone call from your daughter!

  6. Have a best friend in Atlanta who could never live in a house like that, although I probably could. We'd be driving on road trips which we tried to take once a month just to blow the stink of the city off us, and I'd see an old decrepit house (usually Victorian, I love all the gingerbread no matter how badly it needs painted) and say, "There's a fixer upper," and she'd say, "That's a tearer downer." LOL

    Just shows how different people can be, and still be great friends with just a little bit of respect and understanding.

    God bless.



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