Monday, June 30, 2014

June comes to an end. . .

Here are some new colors in my flower beds this month.

I decided to leave this one (below) the flower garden.  I know it's like a weed, but we make jelly with the flower heads.

 (Queen Anne's Lace)

Sorry. My photos are not the best.  The breeze was pretty strong when I took them.
I started the day by dumping my coffee ground around the squash and tomato plants.  The egg shells went in another garden that will be tilled soon.

I did start with flower bed weeding, and eventually back the garden.   Once again my rose bed looks terrible.  I opted for quitting about 2pm.  I did work through two short rain showers, and it felt so good.

The girls picked raspberries for me, and Hubby did some weed wacking.  I don't know how, but he got out of weeding (again). 

July will bring more color to the flower beds.  My zinnias are about to bloom.

I ended the evening with a big stack of magazines and my favorite hang-out pal (Tiger).  Mom recycles her magazines to me, and I recycle them at the recycling center when I am done reading them. Or the kids save some for "cut out" projects and journals.  


  1. Nothing better than sitting down with a furry pal to read after a hard day working.

  2. your flowers looks lovely.
    I can't believe it the end of June already!
    Nice to have magazine that are passed along--free Yay!
    I got to work in the garden a little bit this weekend. Had a baby shower and then some much needed rest.
    I took advantage. ;)

  3. That red lily is gorgeous! Do you know what kind it its? I only have the boring (but still pretty) orange ones and would love to add some zing to my flower bed.

  4. I'm not sure what kind of Lily that is. Hubby brought them home a few years ago.

  5. Your flowers are gorgeous! Yep! It's great after putting in a long day to kick back with some reading material and a favorite cuddler.

  6. Your blooms are so pretty! I was so late getting things in no blooms yet. And I bought a whole bunch of lillies on sale that had already bloomed. Guess I will be surprised next year! Love relaxing with a big pile of magazines!


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