Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Joining Happy Homemaker Monday. . .

I'm joining Diary of  Stay at Home Mom, with Happy Homemaker Monday.  Again a day late, but posting anyway.  Enjoy!

As I look out my window:  I see the big barn buckling in one corner.  Hubby really needs to unhook the electric before it does fall down.  The rain droplets are still attached to the window from last night's rain and the sun is shining.

Right now I am:  petting our pitbull mix, sipping coffee, and reading a letter from our oldest daughter (in my pajamas).

Thinking and pondering:  what my older two might be doing, or feeling, or needing.  Deciding on how to prioritize my day.

On my bedside table:  A copy of Montana, by Debbie Macomber, the July/Aug issue of Backwoods Home Magazine (which by the way has recipes in it using millet and other wholesome grains),

On my TV this week:  Modern Day Family and Big Band Theory.  We did watch the movie Lone Survivor as well.

Listening to:  the kids tossing and turning in the living room (birthday daughter had a sleepover party), while Sade clicks her dog tags walking to each of them to give kisses.

On the menu for this week:
I think I will pull a chicken from the freezer, and roast it for this weeks meals.  That will start giving me space to freeze green beans soon.  Unless we eat them all like last season.
On my to-do list:  set polls for chicken fence, get oil for oldest daughter's car, weed garden, herb garden and flower beds, clean chicken coop, clean off the top of a bookshelf, and regular chores.

Happening this week:  one daughter's birthday, and gardening.  I might make jelly if I have time.  Not really anything "Happening" per say.

What I am creating: 

I'm still sewing ends in on these mini-granny rounds.  With the garden, I haven't really had much handiwork time.

My simple pleasure: 
Looking at past camping trip photos.  They make me sigh with happiness.

Homemaking tips:   Do not swat a fly swatter at a fly with one hand, while holding a hot cup of coffee in the other hand, while wearing pajamas (sigh).

Looking around the house:  It looks like the girls did a good job cleaning up, and even put two clean antique tablecloths on the tables.  I may start cleaning my bedroom today.  It's too wet to weed.

From the camera:

Prayer list:  My mother, my military kids in training, friends that are traveling and a few with requests.

Bible Verse/Devotional: 
 James 1:2-4
 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (NIV)


  1. I LOVE your camper, how cute :) I am hoping to get some camping done this summer, we'll see how it goes.

    Hope you're having a wonderful week so far!

  2. "Homemaking tips: Do not swat a fly swatter at a fly with one hand, while holding a hot cup of coffee in the other hand, while wearing pajamas (sigh)."
    From RB: Try not to sneeze while carrying a hot drink around either...wearing anything, or nothing. LOL

    Joining with you in your prayers. AMEN, AND AMEN!!!

    God bless.


  3. Sandra, thanks for the comments about our camper. I found that valance at a thrift store for a dollar. I attach it with clothespins.

    RB, you make me crack up laughing. Thanks for making my day! Ha ha!


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