Friday, June 13, 2014

Homemade Frozen Yogurt

I have one kiddo who loves frozen yogurt.  However the stuff you buy in the store is processed with unhealthy ingredients (high fructose corn syrup etc).  I decided to buy some yogurt, and toss in some honey and my homemade vanilla. 

The kids churned it in our ice cream maker.  As a kid, my siblings and I, always churned ice cream (on special occasions) with a hand crank ice cream maker.  I love my ice cream maker too.  We made goat's milk ice cream in it last year. 

The results?

Delicious, economical, and healthier.  You can make it in your freezer too, but space is an issue, since you'll have to use a shallow dish, and stir often.

Homemade Frozen Yogurt
4 cups plain yogurt
1/2 cup honey
1 Tbsp. vanilla extract

Mix all ingredients and place in your ice cream maker. Churn as you would for any other ice cream.

Note:  If you do not like eating regular yogurt, you may not like this.  It does have a yogurt taste to it.  We did use store brand yogurt that is found in our organic section (non-gmo).  I bet you could make this taste even better with homemade yogurt.

We put leftovers in the freezer and the kids added fresh strawberries when they ate it.  Yum.

Yesterday in a nut shell - it took 4 calls to get Hubby to realize he took my truck and coolers, so he got me another ride, I emptied any plastic totes in my garage to use for "coolers," got chickens to the butcher, bought his brother-in-law and sister lunch (while waiting for the butcher and to thank them for bailing Hubby out of his goof), gifted them a chicken also, back home I read 3 letters from our oldest daughter, 1 from Son, took a load to recycling, donated 2 bags of clothes to the thrift store, went to the gym for a good work out, and had leftovers for dinner, watered flowers I had neglected in the morning, and spent a teensy bit of time crocheting. 

We love that Rhubarb BBQ sauce (posted yesterday).  I will have to stock up on it and try it on chicken, and/or beef too. 

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