Sunday, June 8, 2014

From the Homesteading Journal . . .

. . .June 3, 2014, walked out and and checked the progress of the wild black raspberries.  Rain did not arrive.  I spent the better half of the morning watering the garden(s) and flower beds.  We really need rain.

. . .June 4, 2014, rain finally arrived, could not clean coops, so I opted for cleaning my bathroom and indoor chores.  Daughter mucked her goat stall before the rain arrived. Smart girl to get out there early.

. . .June 5, 2014, weeded the back porch flower bed, had kids clean the chicken coop, and called the chicken butchery.  Daughter(17) mowed.  It was a perfect day to dry laundry outside too.  The kids helped me start cleaning up the back porch and organizing their outdoor games.

. . .June 6, 2014,weeded yellow squash, zucchini, spaghetti squash,  some cucumbers and green beans. Picked a handful of strawberries. Lots more to weed yet.

. . .June 7, 2014, weeded more of the garden, replanted a few cucumber, spaghetti squash, pumpkin, and watermelon seeds.  Started weeding front flower beds.

. . .June 8, 2014, rain arrived.


  1. I like to hear about other people working. So often on these blogs all you hear about are fun things and it makes you feel like you're the only one out there that has chores and cleaning and cooking to do. LOL! I must admit I'm guilty of that too. I may start including a little list of what I did the day before. Glad you got some rain. Here it has been the rainiest Spring I remember.

  2. Love the full, green deciduous trees in the woods surrounding your place!

  3. I'm loaded with blackberries this year! Lots of rain this spring helped I think...

  4. About the same going on here. We get about 2-3 quarts of black raspberries each day (or rather, Bro Tom does) from the field across the road that the owner usually mows but hasn't so far this year - to our GREAT enjoyment. LOL
    It's so dry here, we notice so many coughing a lot. When it's THIS dry, all the dry little particulate matter from all the plants, trees and such, flow generously through the air making for a dry hacky cough. I pray it rains soon, but we've noticed how often, storms head our way from the east and west, hit the borders of our county (Harnett, NC), and then dry up, only to often form again on the other side of the county. We've seen that year after year after year. Wonder why it does that.
    Oh well, regardless - God's still in control, praise God!!!
    God bless.

  5. Your garden looks great! We could use some rain for ours. Weeding, the never ending chore! lol..

  6. I need of some rain here in the alps too - been very hot lately and our water barrel is empty.
    Apparently it's a fruit year - our strawberries are just laden with fruit and the plum trees, and current bushes look very promising too.


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