Saturday, May 3, 2014

"A Roll of the Dice"

I finally got my sugar snap peas planted.   The strawberries are weeded too.

Like a man said to me yesterday at the store, "It's like a roll of the dice," referring to planting in our state.  You just never know what the weather will bring.

My plans today have changed.  The weather report did not say we'd get rain, and we are.  Potatoes should have been in the ground a few weeks about. I will not be weeding my asparagus, nor planting potatoes.  Instead, I'm in the kitchen preparing a recipe to share soon.  And making another batch of condensed cream of celery soup that will be used for tonight's dinner (sharing that recipe soon too).

It feels good to get back outside, and get my hands in the dirt.  With the brutal winter, I will be trying much harder not to complain this summer.


  1. I have got a few perennials planted but its still to chilly for anything else. I don't even have the garden tilled yet! I tell myself I will not complain about hot weather this summer! lol..

  2. We planted some peas and lettuce. It is suppose to warm up a little, so I hope it works out.
    Crazy weather this year!

  3. I spent the weekend getting all of my many large plants back outdoors under the trees in the garden, and feel like we can breath again in this little old house without them.

    I also got all my ceramic birdhouses back out in the garden too. I have to bring them in when it's going to freeze, because wet ceramic can crack when it freezes.

    God bless.



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