Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Trip to Town ~ Asparagus Harvest

I finally located some granny smith apple trees, and picked one up, along with a new Eastern redbud.  The tree that Son replanted last year died, so I want to put the new redbud in it's place.

While I was in town (for a gloriously expensive dentist visit), I decided to stop in to Hobby Lobby and see what they had for #5 cotton thread yarn.  Like I had any money left to spend, right?

Wa-la!  I came home with some new colors.  Shhh! Don't tell Hubby.  You'll get to see what I'm making with it soon.  I hope anyway.

While hauling the apple tree out to get planted, I noticed that some our asparagus is ready to harvest.  Although it's not always enough, picked in one day, I can place them in a bit of water (in a canning jar) in the fridge as I continue to pick each day.  Then we can enjoy it at dinner.  Interesting enough, you can see the stalks are all different sizes.  Makes you wonder how they get them all the same size in the grocery store.


  1. Thanks for the asparagus tip. I have let a lot of mine ruin since I didn't know what to do with it while waiting on more :/ I was about to google freezing it but your way looks easy :)))))

  2. Kelly, so far it's keeping it nice and fresh. Last year, I used plastic bags and it went limp in a day.

  3. Yes thanks for the tip .I have some in the frig in a plastic bag. Will be putting it in water.


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