Monday, March 3, 2014

Pretend Snow Day ~ Homesteading Tidbits

The snow did not arrive as the forecast predicted.  The wind came with a small bit of it, and that was it.  I had Saturday night and Sunday to do whatever I felt like - no demands, no errands, no schedule, pretending I had a few snow days. This morning we have a -9° wind chill.  The bitter cold has moved back in on us.

Grab of cup of coffee or tea.  It's a long Monday morning ramble. . .

We borrowed a chainsaw to cut more wood (our chainsaw blade went into the shop for sharpening).  Hubby has to order a part for the pellet burner, and while we wait, we are seeking wood pellets.  They are hard to find right now, considering the harsh winter this year.

As for the chainsaw we borrowed, it too needed a new blade, and he tried all day to find one. He finally got a blade and got it running around 8pm.  Too late, too cold, and too dark to cut any wood.

Speaking of "hard to find" we are seeking hay for the goats now. It's very difficult to find right now.  We are running out too quickly this winter.  This is why I keep a homesteading journal. We can go back, read how much we bought and when, and add more to the order for this year.

I did take some time to tinker around with my crochet hooks and knitting needles.  I worked on another dishcloth and crocheted an eyeglass case using #10 cotton thread.  It's a vintage pattern from a book my mother gave me.  I may consider making a few more of these.  Hubby even asked for one for his eyeglasses.  Of course he wants a different color than yellow. 

I also baked a batch of homemade granola.  It smells so good when it's baking too. 

(Ginger ale and Hot Ginger Tea)

I made a batch of hot ginger tea and one of ginger ale too. My son caught the flu-like bug here, and was needing the ginger ale.  It works so much better than the stuff from the store.

We can definitely tell a difference in the home, with our pellet stove not working.  The electric wall/floor heaters do not produce enough heat, and cost more to run.   I honestly don't like running them either.  I don't feel they are safe.  Prior to moving in, the house had no heating system other than the wood stove.  Nothing.  The folks working on the house installed the electric floor heaters the day prior to moving in.  Did I mention the older part of the house is from the 30's?  Just a lot to think about.

I hope we can get it fixed soon, but like most large families, Hubby works full-time (with fireman training, and over time) outside the home.  There is a lot of responsibilities falling on him this week.  I asked him to buy me a small chainsaw, so I could cut wood during the day (when it is warmer too), and he said no.  Hmpf.   Over time, he may give in.

We now have a critter in the wall of the kitchen bathroom.  We can hear it scratching around and such.  It's terrifying to our 14 year-old, who is the one who keeps getting visited by mice in the bathroom.   Ha ha!  Hopefully the cats will catch it, if it does make an appearance.

We also have another pesky raccoon again.  We have to remember to bring the cat food in every night, so the pest will leave the area.  We had one prior to this, but he met his maker on the highway last week.

Over the weekend I pulled another recipe from my pile.  I'll be sharing it soon.  My 17 year-old almost had it for breakfast, they liked it that much.  Hint:  It contains salmon.

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