Monday, March 10, 2014

Hay Restocked ~ Spiced Nuts

Friday, the temperatures got up into the 40's and my chickens were so happy to be outside again.

Although snow was still on the ground, they found dirt to take dirt baths in.  The sun probably felt so nice to them.

We finally found hay for the goats.  114 miles round trip and $5.00/bale (2nd cutting) later, we are now restocked until this year's first cutting. I had hay in my hair, pants and up my nose by the time we were done.  That was my Sunday exercise, ha ha!  Peanut (the oldest goat) looks like she could have triplets this year, but Daughter thinks it will be twins.  She is quickly approaching her kidding day.

I'm told there is a wood pellet shortage now, but not sure if it's true yet.  The store we normally purchase it from is unable to get anymore.  Hubby, luckily, found some for us.  I hope it gets us through the rest of this colder weather.

I made yet another hoarded recipe - Spiced Nuts.   Anyway, I saved this recipe from a 2008 issue (yea, I know) of Better Homes and Garden Magazine.  Our review?  Not enough cayenne.  I would more than double the cayenne for us next time (if we add heat, we really like to taste it). Otherwise, this recipe is pretty good.  We liked the pecans the best.  

I am continuing my extreme clean, and ran across some silk flowers in a tote.  Remember last year's front door wreath?  

This is the same wreath only revised for spring, using up those stored up flowers (that I probably had in the tote for the last 6-7 years and forgot about).  

My older brother happened to be in the area and surprised us with a visit too.  He gifted us some Michigan salmon, so I will be playing around with more new recipes.  He also brought the kitchen cabinets that I plan to recycle into my utility room. We gifted him some farm fresh eggs, and some Spiced Nuts for his drive home. 

I'll have photos of the cabinets to share soon.  I had plans to start painting them today, but.....

Today I woke up with my 17 year-old recent sickness -coughing, congestion, laryngitis, sore throat, running nose.  I think yesterday's running around was a bit much for me.  Some rest and good hot tea are on order for his gal today.  Not the plan I had.  That's okay too.  My clothesline is a muddy mess right now anyway, so chores can wait a day or two. Then again, I do own muck boots.


  1. Sorry to hear your sick again...take a break and get well.
    Can't wait to see the painted cabinets.
    Salmon sounds do the mixed nuts! I think I'd probably like them hot too. Not to mention the cayenne is good for the sinus and help in cleaning the blood!
    Hope there isn't a shortage on pellets and y'all are able to stay warm.
    We had to get another half cord of wood this week. That makes 4 1/2 this year. I wish T.H. were up to cutting our own --but he just doesn't have it in him. We are blessed that 2 of those cords our daughter and SIL bought for us. Always greatful for that.

  2. Definitely take a couple days off and rest. Like my husband say " You don't do your self or any one else any good if your not healthy" Ok. maybe I don't always listen to him but it is good advise. LOL

  3. Sending Love and Light along with healing prayers. Take care and those nuts sounds so yummy Hugs to you


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