Monday, March 31, 2014

From a Journal Junkie . . .

From the Homesteading Journal . . .

. . . ordered organic seeds - Valerian, Chickweed, and Holy Basil (medicinal herb garden newbies).

. . .  Prim (goat) is up for sale, baby Clyde went in for dis-budding.

. . . ordered more books from the library to brush up on skills and learn new ones for our homesteading and self-sufficiency.

. . . making a shopping list for items needed for the meat chicks arrival in April.

From the Handiwork Journal . . . 

. . . finished making the suitcase cat bed from old stuff around the house (aside from some new wooden legs) that were all heading for the landfill.  Go visit my S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot  to see the photos.  The cats love it!

From the Family Journal . . .

. . . son is leaving for basic training, for the Marines, in 14 days.

. . . we completed the applications, and paid the fee, to enroll our 11th grader into a free University program for her senior year.  We just need to figure out how to get her a car.  She'll be driving from the high school to the University and back, in order to take advantage of this free class offer (not to mention earning her credits).  We were not able to do this for the last two kids, but if we can get another good working vehicle, the next kiddo might.

. . . oldest daughter is quickly approaching her "ship out" date for her National Guard basic training.  Her date is later than her brother's.

. . .I finally go up to see my new nephew, and he is so cute!  Adorable. 

From the Gratitude Journal . . .

I am thankful for:
 ~  for the windows in my home.
 ~  for the continued abundance of fresh eggs
 ~  for the opportunity to attend a fiber fair recently
 ~  for a beautiful sunrise this morning
 ~  for projects completed and the time to do it
 ~  for hot water
 ~  for God's Mercy and Grace
 ~  for a new keyboard for the computer (keys were sticking)
 ~  for Hubby installing my corner cabinet for me already
 ~  for the help of Son getting my Christmas lights down
 ~  for the help of my youngest, in getting two wicker rockers out of storage and onto the porch (oh happy day!) 

adding two more.....
 ~  for Son's car today and the fact he isn't working (unexpected flat tire on mine and no jack to put the spare on, so I could take a goat to the vet, do a library run, and make a trip to the feed store) 
 ~  for a second pot of hot coffee 


  1. I don't always leave a comment, but always read your blog. Keep writing.

    What a change it will be for your family when your two oldest leave for the military! Hoping it turns out to be a fulfilling experience for both of them.

  2. Keep sharing your journal entries...I love the lists.
    So down to earth and full of good ideas.
    Best wishes and appreciation for your military minded children...(men and women)



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