Monday, March 24, 2014

Elderberry Bushes (trees) ~ Fun Mail

The ground is very wet here yet, so we can't work in any of the garden beds.  I did however, put more coffee grounds and egg shells in them.

I've purchased a few packets of zinnias - various types.  I love the giant zinnias, so I may go back for more.   I purchased more gladiolus bulbs as well.

Ordered our Elderberry bushes. They will arrive when proper planting season is here for us.

Pulled on my mucking boots, and picked up all the trash people threw into my yard over the winter - beer bottles, beer cans, cigarette cartons, etc. Now that the snow has melted, we see what it's been covering.

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I received a hand written letter and a book from Michelle, over at Michelle's Little Piece of Heaven.  How fun is that?  I plan to start this book as soon as I finish the one I am currently reading.  Thank you Michelle!

This morning, the sun is shining and I can hear the most beautiful bird singing.  Not sure what it is yet, but it is music to my ears long as it keeps it's poo off my clothesline (ha ha!).


  1. Wow - elderberry bushes - that means elderberries! you wouldn't believe the difficulty I'm having trying to get hold of dried elderberries!! Maybe I should just try planting some like you!

  2. After the long cold winter we have had I will take the birds, poo and all. I loved that book and I am sure you will too.

  3. I planted giant zinnias last year, I had vases and vases full all summer! Don't you hate litter bugs?

  4. My husband loves elderberry jam. I can't wait to be able to start putting clothes back on the line.

  5. Our Great-Grandmother use to call them Huckleberries, and when I was a very small child, she call everyone to get together to go hunting for them so she could make yummy yummy jelly from them.

    God bless.


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