Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Timmy Goes to the Vet

This morning's sunrise (view from the front porch) was very warming to watch. It was incredibly peaceful, and a pleasant
way to start the day.

Timmy, one of our barn cats, has been looking a bit beat up lately.  After several attempts to bring him in for healing, I took him to the vet.  It appears that he either got into a fight, or hurt himself.  He has a gash above his eyes.  Then over this past weekend his eyes starting swelling shut.

He had an infection and a fever along with it.  He's on a round of antibiotics for a week, and we pray they heal him.   He's not happy to be in a dog kennel, but he is resting and getting better.
We got more snow last night and will get more today.  Then temps dip to the negatives again.  One kiddo is home sick, and I now have laryngitis.  Ha, of all things. 

  In the mean time I am still working the clutter out of the house bit by bit.  

I have a stack of books from the library yet, and have not finished my current book.  Last year I read a total of 10 books.  Years prior to that I used to read 100.  That's how much time was taken away from making handicrafts.

Tonight, after Hubby arrives home from work, we are splitting wood again - teamwork.  


  1. Ahh ~ that is beautiful start to the day !

  2. Spitting wood= exercise!

    Hope Timmy and the sick one heal fast.

  3. Get well soon Timmy - sounds like he's been in a bit of a fight!
    I imagine he's not liking being cooped up in a dog kennel at all.

  4. Sending healing kitty-vibes to Timmy :)


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