Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Thinking Christmas 2014 in February? ~ Hot Ginger Tea

Don't throw tomatoes at me just yet. Ha ha!  I found this wonderful book at our library.  It's full of edible gift ideas (many that are brilliant ideas for handmade/homemade Christmas gifts), and there are a few that I plan to try early this year.  Just sharing in case you are looking for new ideas.

We've gotten over 50 inches of snowfall this winter, and now we are about to get that blast of snow they predicted.  I'm fine with it, as long as the wind holds off.  Otherwise, I'll be hand shoveling a very long drive way so Hubby can get in.  My shoulder is still not healed.

I'm making hot ginger tea today.  I've been under the weather since yesterday.  My ear is congested and ginger tea is about the only thing (naturally) that will clear it.

Hot Ginger Tea

5 cups water

3 Tbsp. finely grated fresh ginger

6 Tbsp. sugar or honey

1 pinch of ground black pepper

4 Tbsp. lemon juice or orange juice

chopped mint leaves, optional

Boil water and ginger rapidly in an uncovered saucepan, for about 10 minutes.  Stir in sugar or honey, strain, pressing against the strainer to extract as much of it's essence as possible.  Then add the pepper and juice.  Serve hot.

Note:  The flavor varies depending on your choice of sweetener and choice of juice.  

I stored any leftover tea in my refrigerator and reheated as needed. 

The recipe comes from one of my sisters. 



  1. We're getting everything today...snow, sleet, freezing rain...I'm just praying we don't lose power but so far so good.
    That book looks good....and thank you for the tea recipe as I love ginger.

  2. Did you ever see a doctor about your shoulder? Could be something that will need more treatment if you wait too long...


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