Thursday, February 6, 2014

Finished! ~ Randomness ~ Weather Woes

A few sunflower cup/mug coasters.  Small accomplishment, but finished.  I just may have to make more later if I have time.  Still crocheting the Bavarian stitch baby blanket and knitted dishcloths (depending on my mood).

Still working on the "family history" project - more on that later.

Timmy, one of our barn cats may have a double ear infection.  It's clear he got into a fight with something, as he has claw marks above one eye.  We brought him in to let him have a relaxing, recuperating sleep (in a kennel of course).  Poor guy.  We do need a vet in our family.

Primrose, with her goat shi-nan-igans, not only jumped the pen again and got into trouble, but somehow knocked the gate lock loose.  She let ALL the goats loose.   Prim broke one heat lamp bulb, so we are down to one now.

 I made two more batches of homemade cream of mushroom soup, and have enough mushrooms to make one more.  I just ran out of flour.

Hot ginger tea update:  Our 17 year-old was having horrible facial pain due to the weather and past injuries (broken jaw in 3 places several years ago).  I made myself the tea for shoulder inflammation and a possible cold coming on.  It helped me, so I figured it may help her.  Guess what?  She had almost immediate relief in her face.

Working on another freelance article today.  Say a prayer for mojo, awesome content, and style.

Dug out my resume, and blew off the dust.  With all the work here, I have not had volunteer work (or church since our last move) elsewhere, so now what?

Temps will be as low as -25°F tonight, and one shower water line is already froze.  


  1. Your weather is sounding much worse than ours here in northern MN. I must confess I don't know where you are located. Can you share the general area without giving out any specifics?

  2. Mama Pea, we are in Northern Ohio. We are having the worst and strangest winter here ever. Other than the blizzard back in 78.


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