Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dehydrating Ginger ~ Making Homemade Ground Ginger

Of course, organic ginger root is best, however we rarely find it in our grocery stores.  We typically find it at a nature store about 2 1/2 hours from here.  Why don't they have more of those stores everywhere?  We really could use one here.

Anyway, I sliced the ginger for drying, vs. grating it.  Then I can simply grind it as needed, or use it for tea making.  I will have it on hand more often and no more extra trips to the store. 

I have read you can dehydrate the peels too (and grind them).  Has anyone ever done this?  I ended up giving my peelings to the goats.


  1. I don't know about drying ginger peel, but...why not open your own nature store? Or form a co-op buying group in your area? If you are looking for stuff, I am sure other people are looking for stuff...and sometimes, if you get together, a group can form and really make cool things happen! Just an idea, you know, to percolate. :-)

  2. I hear you on not being able to buy it anywhere!! Drives me nuts! This is such a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  3. We're part of a food co-op called Azure Standard. Maybe they deliver to your area too? I get my fresh organic ginger root and organic ginger powder through them. They deliver once a month. The fresh ginger root will keep for a long time in the freezer. I've never done anything with the peels. I've only ever "used" them by throwing them in the compost pile.

  4. I love ginger in all it's forms! Great idea to dry it to save for later. Have you ever tried keeping the fresh in the freezer as Rachael Ray suggests?

  5. I have not placed my ginger in the freezer (space issues until I buy a deep freezer).

    Thanks Janice, for the tip on Azure Standard. I have never heard of them, so I will check into it.

  6. I never know you could dry garlic. Will have to try this.


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