Wednesday, January 15, 2014

More Cookin' from Storage

I pulled a bag of frozen blueberries yesterday, and baked the family a buttermilk-blueberry coffee cake.  Yum.  To top it off, I surprised them with a 4 lb. meatloaf (Hubby's favorite, and I don't make it that often) that was made with organic beef, and veggies.  I also made garlic mashed potatoes, and green beans.  I really miss my own potatoes.  I bought a bag (they now sell organic potatoes here), and about 3-4 of them were rotten only two days after buying them.   

Blueberry Buttermilk Coffeecake Recipe:

 I added cinnamon and nutmeg to the topping.

Today, we will have a pasta salad, using light safflower mayo (high in vitamin E) and my home canned relish.  The family loves it.  It's a nice side for meals and to add to leftover meals.

Sweet pickle relish (or zucchini relish) can be added to deviled eggs, soups, salads and dressings, and even in meatloaf or meatballs.   It's also great in tuna and chicken salad sandwiches.

One way we are adding more fish to our diet, is this salad.  It's full of romaine, shredded carrots, celery and slices of green pepper.  Then we top it with apples, dried cranberries, pecans, and tuna, and finish it with a pomegranate dressing.  This is really good with diced chicken too.  

Then, there is no better way to end the day, but with a steaming cup of herbal tea.


  1. On these cold mornings, I like to begin and end the day with a hot cupp'a herbal tea.

    That coffee cake looks delicious :)

  2. Yum that all looks so delicious.

  3. The coffee cake AND the salad both look delicious!! :)

  4. We pick about 100 pounds of potatoes from my father-in-law field last Oct. We keep them in the garage in a burlap bag. They are still good. Which makes me wonder how old your potatoes were or if they let them get hot and moisture got in. Your cake look good . Will you be sharing the recipe?

  5. Great looking salad for this time of year!

    I made a blueberry cobbler last night after dinner . . . and hubby and I knocked off the last of it as dessert after our dinner tonight. (We did have a little help today on eating it all!)

  6. The recipe is from allrecipes, I'll post a link above.

  7. I love meatloaf but don't have it very often either. i think i might have a couple pounds left of organic ground beef in the freezer so Sunday meatloaf sounds great!
    The coffee cake looks delicious. I haven't made a coffee cake in years. I used to make a great sour cream one in a bundt pan with the cinnamon sugar topping, I think. I'll have to see if I can find that recipe. Thanks for the fresh ideas for meals!

  8. Just wanted you to know that I made the coffeecake several days ago and we're still eating it up. It was very good, light, and fluffy. After looking through some of the comments I decided to add lemon extract instead of vanilla and we really liked it that way. Thanks for recommending the recipe!


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