Thursday, December 5, 2013

Let the Baking Begin!

My Christmas baking has begun.  It's official.  Drum roll please....

"You made buckeyes and you didn't save me any?!"  cried Hubby.

"Yes," I firmly replied.  "Out of sight, out of mind."


That's right.  We always over bake and we end up gaining weight from over indulgence, due to lack of self control.  I mean who can resist eating them if they are right there in front of you.  Right?

Yesterday I made one small batch of buckeyes, packaged them up, and shipped them to my Aunt.  She was due for a "box of happy" and I was surprised I managed to get it all done before the kids got home.

Hubby doesn't know this, but I secretly hid a container of the remaining buckeyes for Gramps.  He loves them, and it is the only thing he asks for, for Christmas.

The weather is about to change here.  It's been about 58°F for the last few days here.  By 2-3pm, it will be down to the 20's.  Freezing rain, and even possibly snow will come with the cooler weather as well. 

I wanted to take a photo of my chickens yesterday, but got side-tracked and didn't.  All 16 of them were lined up against the big ol' barn, taking dirt baths.  The 17th, the white rooster (not named yet) was wandering around watching them all.  It was nice to see them staying out of trouble.  This time of year, when the weather gets colder, they tend to get ornery.  They wander too close to the highway, get into my mulch in the flower beds, and poo on my front porch.    I get a lot of exercise chasing them this time of year.

On a last note, we found out that Alias is an awesome "mouser."  If there is one anywhere, he will sniff it out for us.  He discovered one he could not get to last night, and whined and whined, and stayed put.  Ha!  Who would have thought.  


  1. Très joli post !
    Very nice post!
    Have a nice day! Cath.

  2. Aw... I wish you could have snapped that picture of the chickens... I bet it would have been cute/funny!
    Glad to know your Alias is a mouser...he is helping to earn his keep. lol... Good boy! Alias. (hate the mice)
    I like that star with ever green on the barn wall...looks like a post card!

  3. I never think to make buckeyes I guess because I'm not from Ohio? But I've had them and love them so they're om my list now. Thanks for the reminder!
    I saw something yesterday about chickens getting bored this time of year so they took a clear ornament and poked holes in it and filled it with chicken feed and they have a grand time with them...pecking and rolling them around the yard. Just a thought...might keep them off the highway and your porch.
    Good boy Alias!!! Who knew...a mouser canine?
    I'm trying to get all the laundry, baking, cooking and internet stuff done before we lose power. The ice is starting to coat the trees and it's raining so it's just a matter of time I think but I'm still praying it will turn to sleet or snow. If you don't see me around you'll know why! LOL!

  4. Don't know if our dog Buddy is a mouser or not, but he sure is good at sniffing out the moles and voles that cut through our yard - much better than our numerous cats are. He'll follow their scent right exactly to where they are, will dig them up, kill them and will drop it right at our feet.
    So blessed he doesn't eat them. Not always a healthy thing for animals to do.
    God bless.


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