Sunday, December 22, 2013

Flooding in December

We've been getting several days of rain here, and sometime during the night, our country highway was flooded over again.  This time the city came out and posted signs on each side of our property, warning drivers.  At 55mph (and most drive over that), a vehicle can easily become air born, when hitting this water.

The problem is that the drain in this field is not being kept free of debris. . . .

The drain runs under the highway, and cuts across our property, which ultimately drains into the creek.  It's not being kept clear of farm debris, and thus floods, and runs the water across the road and into our property.

We expect a bit more rain today, but the heaviest rain has stopped.  The goats and chickens are not happy campers right now with this weather.   

I'm pretty sure that we will not be having a white Christmas this year.  I had hoped to fire up the go-kart and pull a sled around the property, but there's still time for that later.

So what's been happening here lately?  The kids are home for Christmas vacation, our 16 year-old has been helping bake Christmas cookies, and we still have the lost/abandoned Winston.

In fact, while out grocery shopping, I bought an extra cat toy for Winston.  It appears he may be here for Christmas.  The poor guy is getting growls from 14 year-old Mattie now, and pestered by Tiger.  Jasper has already made it clear he does not want anymore adoptions to the "Inn" here.  He is really a good cat, and I can't understand why we can't find him a good home.  He follows me around and loves to be held, and wants to be friends with everyone.  

The other day I found him sitting in our utility room sink.  I turned on the water, and he had a good drink.  It appears, that his past owner gave him drinks from the sink too.  It's apparent that his past owner could have possibly had dogs too. He doesn't even flinch when the dogs give him kisses.

December is a busy month for us, but more so a special month.  Along with Christmas, we have one kiddo's birthday, and our wedding anniversary.  I do not have any photos of our holiday baking yet, but hope to have some updates to share soon.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! Wishing you the best and the brightest at this special time of year.


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