Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Traditions

We have a family tradition here on Christmas Eve.  Although it's too early to post a photo (and I am not sure the family would appreciate it if I did photograph them, ha ha!), but I gift everyone with new jammies.  

We open them before bedtime, and wake up to open gifts in brand new jammies.  It's fun, and one thing our family enjoys every Christmas.  


As a child, our family would get up, get breakfast, and dress in fancy clothes before we opened anything.  When I married, I tried to continue that tradition, but Hubby soon shared his dislike to that routine (ha ha!).  Thus our own family traditions were created.  Sometimes we wear our new jammies all day long on Christmas day.

Another tradition here, is to prep breakfast Christmas Eve, and I simply pop it into the oven Christmas morning.  I make a simple Egg and Sausage souffle, and it's the only time of year we enjoy it.  It's delicious, easy, and special.

We sip hot coffee, open gifts, scream and holler, and laugh.  There are lots of giggles as we watch the dogs, cats and even the rabbit open their special treats.

Today, we are actually getting a light dusting of snow.  It's so pretty outside.  Hubby has the day off and it's going to be a wonderful day today.

You just never know when a new tradition can creep up on you, so be prepared. 


  1. What a great tradition. Maybe if you take rear view shots they will approve? Have a wonderful holiday.

  2. What a great tradition. Maybe if you take rear view shots they will approve? Have a wonderful holiday.

  3. Love the tradition of the jammies. (Everybody can always use a new pair anyway!) Our Christmas breakfast will be Kringler and Orange Julius(es) for a beverage. Have a wonderful Christmas Day with your whole family.

  4. Great tradition. The PJ's one, that is :) Sounds like something I'd like to do here, but Paul would "crack the whip" and remind me that we live on a farm and there are no "Jammie days". I don't think the critters would care if I pitched hay in PJ's.

  5. Love the jammies tradition. For the first time in many many years I got a beautiful nightgown. I love relaxed Christmas activities. My parent usually make the rounds to visit us all. We all live pretty close.

    Merry Christmas!!


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